well. today was one of the more boring days Ive ever had. so I was reduced to messing with my system files to replace default icons and the aqua system theme. I got it to actually displayed a "this will void any warranty" warning. anyway. you can see the results below.
I kinda missed having the trash on the desktop, so I had the OS recognize it from the dock AND the desktop. it hasnt recognized the new trash icon in the dock yet, but it will. probably on restart.
beyond that I did nothing today. no, not the standard "nothing" as in basic stuff, seriously nothing. I woke up, stared at the screen, randomly checked site (many times, I might add), watered plants, stared at the screen and listened to music some more, did this visual revamp, made a LJ post (or at least i am now), Ill go have dinner in a few minutes, I did nothing else.
why do my weekends so frequently suck so badly...
there just seems something wrong with preferring a normal week day when a normal week day entails 4 hours commute time (if not more) and a full time work day where I hardly know anyone.
and no school to look forward to to see people. someone get me out of the house some weekend. Im too pathetic to actually ask anyone to do anything myself.