Glossary for Changing Parameters

Sep 01, 2011 01:33


AI : Artificial Intelligence; what can be found in most machinery.

ARTHI : Artificial Humanistic Intelligence; what can be found in androids, with varying degrees of complexities. The term is used interchangeably with androids.

Androids : Robots that resemble humans and have ARTHI logic.

Clusters : They represent supercomputers that have been networked together.

Core : A type of energy used worldwide and comes in various sizes. In Mark and his cousins, they have Cores as their main source of energy, and their Cores are located where the human heart is.

Coren Technologies : The company that produces Cores and other sources of energy.

EyeControl : Silica pad that rests on the user’s palm and is used to control navigation of Eyebook when the user is wearing EyeVisuals.

EyeVisuals : Contact lenses the user wears to view the Eyebook interface overlaid on top of normal vision.

EyeC : A term referring to both EyeVisuals and EyeControl. When someone has EyeC turned on, they are wearing EyeVisuals and using EyeControl.

Exabyte : 1 million Terabytes

MultiPud : A small, handheld computer that can also be used as a security and payment pass.

Nanobots : Very small robots that are used for fine work. Mark and his ARTHI cousins use nanobots with a high level of AI to perform their self-repairs.

Robots : All things robotic with some form of AI.

Supercomputer : Loosely speaking, Supercomputers have much higher processing capabilities than regular computers.

Virtual Reality : A computer-simulated environment.

‘droids : A commonly used short form for ‘androids’.

#FFFFFF : Hex colors, usually used by web developers. This string represents the color white.

fic: robotmark, fic

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