Metempsychosis (4/5)

Aug 03, 2009 23:11

Title: Metempsychosis
Author: janna_hawkins 
Pairing: Nine & Rose
Rating: PG
Spoilers (if applicable to Series 4): Journey's End. Spoilers for most of episode
Beta: danaems 
Author Notes: Written on Prompt 12 - The duplicate human Doctor/Handy is the Ninth instead of the Tenth - for the hearts_in_time  Summer Adventure Ficathon. It became as I wrote it somewhat of a fix-it for Journey's End. Some parts are the same, but others are completely different from the original episode. Huge thanks to my beta!!! Love you, girl!
I hope you enjoy this! :)

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 5

The leather-clad Doctor frowned. "So? We can use the TARDIS can't we?"

His counterpart grinned. "Oh yes! But what about the Daleks?"

"Leave them to me," Caan replied. "Patch me into the psychic field and I will take them all out of time forever."

"But that'll mean you too! Surely you can't want to die," Donna exclaimed.

"It would be rest for me, DoctorDonna. Now go, save the Earth."

The Doctor looked at the deformed Dalek in silence for a moment before turning and pushing Sarah Jane and Jackie towards the TARDIS. "Go! Everyone! Back to the TARDIS!"

The Doctor's duplicate looked up at Caan and nodded solemnly to him. "Everyone will know of this. I'll make sure of it."

"Go, Time Lord. Claim your woman. I have foreseen you and she will never be separated and form a family."

Rose raised her eyebrows. "Sorry?"

"Uh...Rose? Maybe now isn't the best time," the leather-clad Doctor muttered, his face red as he pulled Rose towards the TARDIS.

The brown-suited Doctor turned at the TARDIS doors and looked at Davros seriously. "You can come as well, Davros. I'm willing to forgive and forget. You only get this one chance though. Once the doors are closed there's no second

The scientist smiled evilly. "No, Doctor. I will die along with my creation and you will remember. That is my revenge."

"Very well, on your own head." The Doctor waved Jack and Mickey inside and slowly closed the doors. He stared at them for a moment before spinning around and racing up the ramp to the console. "Now for the Earth." He tapped the side of the screen affixed to the console. "Torchwood Hub, are you receiving me?"

"Loud and clear, Doctor. Is Jack there?"

"Can't get rid of him...what's your name?"

"Gwen Williams."

The Doctor motioned to his clone and pointed at the screen. "She remind you of anyone?"

The other man grinned. "Oi, Gwen Williams, are you from an old Cardiff family?"

"Um yeah," Gwen replied, throwing a quizzical look at Ianto. "All the way back to the eighteen hundreds. Why?"

"No reason! You just remind us of someone we met back then. Now then, there's
something I need you to do."

What is it?" came the immediate response of Ianto Jones.

"Open up that Rift Manipulator of yours and send all the power to me!"

"What's that for?" Martha asked curiously.

"Its a towrope. Now, Luke and Mr Smith, can you hear me?"

"Yes, sir! Is my mum alright?"

"She's perfectly fine! Now listen I need you to harness the Rift power and loop it around the TARDIS. You got that?"

"I regret I will need remote access to TARDIS basecode," said the deep voice of the supercomputer.

"Oh blimey that'll take a while," the Time Lord muttered, running his hands through his hair.

Sarah Jane raced around the console, grinning. "Oh no it won't! K-9, out you come!"

Both Doctors grinned as they heard the unmistakable sound of the robot dog. "K-9, give Mr Smith the basecode!" the one in the suit called.

"Yes, Master. Transferring TARDIS basecode now. The process is exceedingly simple."

"Good dog! Now then, you lot. Flying the TARDIS 101. Sarah," he moved the woman around the console and pointed to a switch. "Press that down when I say. Mickey, you hold that." He moved around the console, interspersing his lecturing with instructions. "Do you know why the TARDIS is always rattling about the place? Rose, hold that, there. It was designed to have six pilots and I have to do it singlehandedly. Martha, keep that level. But not anymore! Jack, there you go, steady that. Now we can fly this thing..." he trailed off as he reached his counterpart.

"You really do prattle on and on, don't you?" the other man said with a smirk.

"Oi, less of the insults! Trying to save all our lives here! Just...go stand over there with Jackie."

The leather-clad Doctor glared at him but took one small step towards the woman. "I cannot believe you just said that."

The other spared him a smirk, but moved right back into his speech. "Like it's        
meant to be flown! We've got the Torchwood Rift looped around the TARDIS by Mr. Smith to act as a rope. We're gonna fly Planet Earth back home." He moved to his place next to the screen and grinned. "Right then. Off we go!"

As the others worked their stations, Donna moved around the console to stand next to the cloned Doctor. "What do you think? Jack doing the best job?"

The man looked down at her and smirked. "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you like him."

"Says the man who won't take his eyes off Rose. You love her just as much as he does. Doesn't take sharing synapses to tell me that. Go up to her after this is all over and tell her," Donna replied with a smirk.

He smiled wistfully. "I wish I could, but it seems she likes pretty boys now."

"Oi, you never know! Just do it."

Just then the TARDIS shook slightly as the makeshift towline detached itself. The occupants cheered and hugs were offered all around. The duplicate Doctor suddenly found himself in front of a grinning Rose who wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"I missed this you," she whispered.

He pulled back to stare at her in surprise. "Really? Even with the skinny, geeky me over there?"

"Oh yeah. Missed the extreme moodiness and leather. The ears too."

He grinned and planted a kiss on her forehead.

tv: doctor who: tenth doctor, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, fanfiction, tv: doctor who, tv: doctor who: captain jack harkness, tv: doctor who: ninth doctor, fanfiction: dw: metempsychosis, tv: doctor who: donna noble

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