Hey there, LJ...

Dec 10, 2011 18:18

I know I haven't been around for a long while now. I blame homework...and Nintendo.

School has been interesting this quarter. I only had one on-campus class which was kind of strange in itself. It's only one day a week, but it goes from 5:30pm to 9:30pm. That's a long time to sit in front of a computer. The class itself is a lot of fun though! For homework we all work on our own Dreamweaver websites. Mine is kind of a fansite for Nintendo :P

The online classes though...oh man do I hate them! I've never really cared for online classes but these are especially horrible. The professors are apparently unable to write out logical instructions for the assignments and dock points when I don't do everything they specified in their unitelligible instructions. The assignments themselves are also pretty strange. I'm just glad I only have one more week left :/

In some happier news I was able to start playing Skyward Sword less than a week after it was released thanks to my mum giving me one of my Christmas presents early! Nintendo did an amazing job with this game. All the amazing work they put into it means I'm pretty much addicted...just like I'm now even more addicted to throwing Link off of cliffs XD

I'm currently in the third temple and so far the game has proven to be well worth all the hype! The main villain is incredibly original, the items are really fun to use and even though the companion is slightly annoying(not as bad as Navi though)I still love listening to her talk thanks to her really soothing voice XD

The graphics are amazing as well. They're the same type of animation as my favorite Zelda game(Wind Waker), but the design used for the characters is more like the one used for Twilight Princess. The facial expressions for the characters are so well animated...and some of Link's make me laugh so hard!

And the music...oh, the music. Fully orchestrated, beautiful pieces that make me so happy to be a Zelda fan. "Zelda's Lullaby" is especially gah-worthy! In relation to the new control style, I have to say it makes things a lot more challenging. You have to actually aim where you want your sword to hit, which makes sword fights all the more difficult! Not to mention the bug/bird catching!

Well, that's about it for what's been happening with me. If I don't get back on here before the holidays let me wish you all an amazing season :D


life: school, game: legend of zelda

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