Good news and bad news

May 14, 2010 12:08

First off, the bad news: my cold seems to be getting worse. I can hardly talk now thanks to my throat hurting. Yay. This thing has screwed up my plans for the first week out of school...weeelll fine I didn't have any plans except to hang out and relax but it's messed up those plans. Instead of just laying around and relaxing I'm laying around coughing and sneezing. Bleah.

Now the good news: I have finished Witch Are You. I did it last night at around 8 or 9. I also, if you haven't already noticed, created the header image for it and edited the previous chapters with it. It's nothing too incredibly fancy but I like it. Now to finish wiggiemomsi's fic and figure out a title for it :)

Also, thanks to me being in bed most of yesterday thanks to this cold I got to watch a lot of tv shows on my computer. I rewatched some of my favorite episodes of Firefly(Our Mrs. Reynolds, Trash, Heart of Gold) some Doctor Who that Willow loaned me(The Armageddon Factor, Image of the Fendahl), some Gilligan's Island and I also played some GameCube. I beat the Forest Temple on Ocarina of Time. I'm so proud :D

Oh yes, and I will hopefully be going to a Stargate convention in June. In a city not too far from me. With David Hewlett, Joe Flanigan, Gary Jones, Dan Shea, Brian J. Smith and Alaina Huffman! I'm so excited!!! Even more so because Willow and Star are going too!!!!! NFA invasion of the convention!!!!!!!!!! :D

So, today's plans include going back to my room and laying down on this bright, sunny day. Whoo hoo. Maybe I'll read some books. Like How to Be A Pirate. I know you're waiting for it, Cloud ;)


tv: stargate: convention: mn, tv: doctor who, tv: firefly, game: legend of zelda, fanfiction

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