Forget or Protest- SPOILERS!

Apr 12, 2010 15:17

So here are my thoughts on The Beast Below. I've only seen it once so I'll post what I remember from Saturday and then when I see it again I'l add more. Spoilers under the cut :)

First off the beginning was pretty freaky, especially since that boy(forget his name)looked almost exactly like my little brother only a bit older. That was scary, watching this adorable look-alike for my brother scream and as we later find out fall into the mouth of the Starwhale. I really didn't care for that part at all.

The directly-after-credits part however was great. I'd love to hang out into open space with no danger of sudden decompression...that'd be amazing :D

That's really all I remember for now but I'll be watching it again maybe even tonight. Back again once I watch it :)


Hello, I'm back. I watched the episode again yesterday with my favorite sister so now I remember even more.

The whole thing with the Starwhale being tortured by the humans seriously reminded me of Meat in Torchwood Seaosn 2. It was so similar although it was a teeny tiny bit better in this one only because the humans weren't doing it for profit but for survival. It still wasn't good though so don't think I'm advocating the abuse of Starwhales.

I loved Liz X. Seriously, she was so brilliant. Good with a gun...standing up to the Doctor...just fantastic. That one line about the "virgin queen" made me cringe again, mostly because my little sister was watching and she's at the age where she'll be learning about that stuff pretty soon.

Now, just wondering but did anyone else get reminded of Nine when Eleven started yelling about "humans"? I could easily see him saying that, but maybe not with so much fury in his voice. Sure Nine could get scarily angry but he never made me cringe back from the screen when he did like Eleven managed to do. He was a little thick in this episode I thought because he couldn't see what was really going on. Even though he looked cute, even when he was covered in sick :D

Now, I just need to say that Amy was utterly fantastic in this episode. She saved the "world" in jim jams. Sound familiar? She saw what the Doctor couldn't Also since I didn't get to it last time I have to say I adore her accent. I don't know why but I do :)

The protest and forget buttons scared me. Seriously, how many people are going to stand up to their government when they know that is they do they'll be fed to a giant alien creature? I guess that's kind of the point but it still scared me. Now I don't know if I want to vote this year!

That's about it for now. I am really really really looking forward to this week's episode. Daleks!!!! :D

All in all:
Doctor: not great.
Companion: fantastic.
The episode: good.
The monster: scary until you find out what it is. Then sweet
Anticipation for next episode: incredibly high.


tv: doctor who: eleventh doctor, tv episode/film review, tv: doctor who: series 5, spoilers, tv: doctor who: amy pond, tv: torchwood

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