Counting down...

Mar 22, 2010 23:11

the minutes until I'm no longer considered too young to drink. Of course I don't care about that. I really dislike alcohol...makes me sick. But tomorrow I'll be officially old enough to do so if I wanted to. I'm not mature though...and I'm going to illustate that by skipping classes tomorrow because there's nothing going on in either as far as I know. I just want to have a movie night because I can't tomorrow thanks to early speech class on Wednesday. I'm not sure exactly what I want to watch yet. Maybe DW, maybe ST, maybe SG...I dunno. I do know however that I'm going to go see Alice again tomorrow...hopefully in 3D this time :D

I really am hoping that this coming year will be better than the last was family wise. I hope my grandma feels better most of all.

Well that's all for now. When I next post I'll be one year older :D


life: birthday

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