What No Man Can Resist

Mar 21, 2010 15:12

Title: What No Man Can Resist
Author: janna_hawkins 
Summary: "All you care about are your dusty old books and rocks!"
Characters: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran, Samantha Carter
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Stargate except my zat gun and my puddle jumper.
Author Notes: Set somewhere in Season 10. Written yesterday right after Too Late. I needed to write fluff after the angst in that one and I thought Daniel/Vala would be perfect since I was still in an SG-1 mood. Please enjoy! :)


"Oh, Daniel!"

The archaeologist groaned and reluctantly looked towards the speaker. "Vala! What do you think you're doing parading around in an outfit like that?! This is a military base!"

The woman grinned and spun around, showing off her long tanned legs. "Don't think I don't know that, Daniel. I got quite a few lovely whistles on my way over here. Your planet's men are so appreciative."

"Vala...where did you even get something like that anyway?"

"Off of the Internet. I saw it on some costume place and just had to have it no matter the cost!"

Daniel sighed. "And how did you pay for it?"

"With that little card thing you keep in your wallet. It's like magic!"

"You used my credit card for that?!"

"But, Daniel...I thought you'd like it," she replied with a sniff. "You've been telling me to get more acquainted with Earth's culture and this dress is supposed to be an exact copy of one that one of your cultural icons wore."


"So now you don't want me to get used to your planet? You want me to leave?"

"No, I..."

"Well, if that's how you feel then I'll just go pack my things and go away. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" she demanded as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Vala, just stop it, alright?"

"Why?!" Vala sobbed, "What do you care?! All you care about are your dusty old books and rocks!"

"What? No I..."

"It's true! Don't deny it!"


"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some dignity to try and recover."

She turned to go but Daniel grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "I like the dress, Vala."

"Don't you dare try and kiss up to me," she snapped, trying to yank her arm away.

"I'm not. I really like it."

"Oh, of course you do. Just like you really like me. Just let go of me alright?"



Daniel smiled a few moments later as he stepped back. "Now, will you listen?"

She nodded silently, a dazed expression on her face.

"Thank you. Now, for your information, I really do like that dress but I happen to like the person in it more."

"Really? But, I thought you hated me. All those times I got you in trouble."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm still mad at you for those but I think I'm starting to like you more."

Vala reached up to touch her lips. "Yes, I can see that. So, I'm guessing that this changes everything?"

"Oh yeah," Daniel murmured as he reached for her again.


"So how'd it go?"

Vala turned and grinned at the blonde woman leaning against her door. "Better than I could have hoped. Thanks for the tip, Sam."

"You're welcome. No man can resist a Marilyn Monroe dress."

"So true. Would you like to borrow it?"

Sam thought for a moment then reached for the white mound of cloth on a chair. "You know, I think I just might."

tv: stargate sg-1: vala mal doran, tv: stargate sg-1: daniel jackson, tv: stargate sg-1: samantha carter, fanfiction: sg-1: what no man can resist

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