Monsoon season

Jun 03, 2016 17:47

So yeah, lots of rain earlier this week. And the backyard has been improving, and loved the rain. A few pics for progress illustration.

Backyard. )

this old house

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Comments 11

iontas June 4 2016, 00:44:50 UTC
Looking good! I hope you get a break from the rain.


janissa11 June 5 2016, 02:48:52 UTC
Yeah, rain's all gone now. Starting tomorrow we're gonna be hot as blazes. ::grump::


tabaqui June 4 2016, 03:26:11 UTC
We've been getting so much rain, too. It's crazy. But on the plus side, the blackberry seedlings i put in are thriving, the milkweed is getting huge, and the mint is three feet tall. Yay!


janissa11 June 5 2016, 02:49:55 UTC
My mint exploded, too -- but I pinched the tips because it's in a pot, and I was kind of afraid it would get too big.

The rain has been so nice. Glad I'm not in Houston, though.


ratcreature June 4 2016, 10:24:13 UTC
Baby figs! I didn't know figs grew in Texas.

We had some torrential rains here too, though thankfully not as bad as in southern Germany or Paris.


janissa11 June 5 2016, 02:51:34 UTC
Figs do quite well here. My grandmother had tons of figs down in Houston, but even up here where it's typically quite dry, they have done well.

Yeah, I'm glad I don't live in Houston. That city needs a good hard look at itself, make some changes before it all washes out to the Gulf.


ixchel55 June 4 2016, 11:45:54 UTC
I think it's going to be lovely. Now that I live in an apartment there are things I miss about living in a house - the large gardening space and the privacy primarily. But I don't miss the upkeep and the expense. I have quite a decent sized south facing balcony for my growing needs but I used to have an acquaintance who had a really large, solid concrete balcony (could almost be called a terrace) that they hardly ever used and what I wouldn't give for that.


janissa11 June 5 2016, 02:53:15 UTC
I am a bit afraid of how much upkeep there is. But I'll do my best. I have hired a lawn guy, and the rest, well -- again, I'll see how it goes. I hope that getting it organized this year will make next year not quite as intimidating.


slb44 June 4 2016, 16:47:08 UTC
Every time I saw a report about the rain in Texas on the news I thought of you and your garden. I'm so glad to see it survived and may have even flourished. I've almost got everything planted here. Getting a late start due to the crazy weather, unseasonably cold one weekend and then unseasonably hot the next with no in between. Oh and apparently you've got all our rain. *g* Fortunately they claim you're sending it our way on Sunday.


janissa11 June 5 2016, 02:55:11 UTC
Lubbock did not get nearly the deluge they got further south. Whew. But we did get 4-5" last Wednesday, and that was enough to seriously flood some areas in town.

With rain it does seem like feast or famine, doesn't it? We didn't need our rain all in ONE DAY, but I'd rather have that than the undoubtedly long period we now face without any at all. The plants truly, truly know the difference between rain water and tap water.


arliss June 8 2016, 21:24:17 UTC
It's starting to look established--and the tomatoes and grapes look pretty lush!


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