
Nov 21, 2009 12:18

Went to pick up my mom at 8:30am to get our shopping done -- hoping to beat the crowds.

We didn't. Holy crap, half of Lubbock was already there.

But aside from a few items, I'm ready for Thanksgiving. Turkey is here, dressing ingredients, stuffing, etc. Our store gives out coupons for a free turkey if you buy more than $100 worth of groceries. Now, erm, between my mom and myself we have two MORE coupons (after getting the original freebie turkey). Hmmm.

Baking pumpkin bread and making date-nut candy this weekend. (Former is just me, latter is an old and beloved family favorite we haven't had since my Aunt Grace passed away.) I am making EVERYTHING this year, so must plan. Wednesday I only work half a day, so I think I can get the pumpkin pie baked, the cornbread baked, bake the sweet potatoes, and go buy the Brussels sprouts, apples for stuffing, and whatever else I realize I'm missing.

Then Thursday morning, turkey goes in (it's already defrosting slowly in the fridge), bake the dressing. Making giblet gravy, but not long before I load up all the food for my parents' house. Roast the Brussels sprouts with olive oil, salt, and bacon (must fry that beforehand). Mom is making salad of some sort and cooking some broccoli. She's baking a chocolate meringue pie, and I'll bring the pumpkin.

This is going to be interesting. I wonder if it'll all fit in the trunk of my car?
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