Well, I dunno about you.

Nov 19, 2009 21:20

But I just bawled like the saddest little baby on the effing planet.

And what a way to go out, Jo and Ellen. Seriously: Two kick-ass women going out with one hell of a bang. If you gotta go, THAT, y'all, is the way to do it. On your own terms, together.

I stopped crying QUITE as hard when I saw that Ellen was staying with her. Somehow Jo alone was just literally unbearable.

Well done, SPN. I hate to see them go, but you made it clear at the battleground: Women and children first. Jo and Ellen were gonna kick it in this ep, I guess, no way around it.

And what was with the ep tag? It seemed really -- abrupt. Did we miss something? So Death showed up, one supposed, and one also supposes....Castiel whisked Sam and Dean to safety?

So why'd Bobby burn the photo? I really don't get that. I assume I'm missing something I'll feel really dumb about later, but aside from a symbolic hunter's funeral I don't get it.

I did, however, see that the fire made a halo around Dean's head. That alarms me.

Now I gotta go blow my nose.


ep commentary, supernatural

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