Nov 25, 2003 15:38
I'm home. The comfortable feeling of my house makes me want to curl up in my own bed and take a nap. I've got a slight headache right now so that wouldn't be such a bad idea. I think I will.
I didn't get to leave campus as soon as I finished classes. After my last class, I had to meet with several classmates about a group presentation. The presentation was originally due a week ago, but our professor wanted to rearrange his lecture plans, and thus, he gave us an extention. Now the presentation is due Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
I didn't want the extention at all. I didn't want to think about this over the Thanksgiving holiday. Several people in my group, however, are your typical procrastinating sorts, and they loved it.
My research has been done for about two weeks. The trouble is that it has to fit in with everyone else's research somehow so that we can provide the class with a logical presentation. I don't think anyone else has really started on their research. They'll probably all do it on Sunday night. We're meeting Monday (at the last minute, of course) to put it all together. I will have hell to pay if someone in my group arrives with incomplete research. Or unorganized research. Or anything that doesn't meet my standards. I'm such a snob.
This reminds me of high school. Group projects were a nightmare for me and a joyride for everyone else in my group. "Yea, we have Janine Kishi in our group. Now we get to sit back and let her do most of the work." It's just your classic case of social loafing. Group projects don't work in individualistic cultures! Has no one taken a basic psychology class? Geez.
The only way I could ever win in a group project sitatuation was if my teacher knew enough to realize what was happening OR if we got graded on our individual performance. Otherwise, I was the work horse.
College group projects are bad for an entirely different reason. The problem here is that we college students can rarely find time to actually work together because we're always on the go. It isn't like high school where everyone is pretty much stuck on campus until the final bell. There you have time, and you have study hall or lunch together. OR you have the teacher that babies the students into working on group projects by giving them time to meet during class. What I wouldn't give for that now...