Apr 25, 2010 21:39
I've glanced at the FlyLady site before, but finally signed up today. It should help with some structure to my house efforts.
In other news,, we took advantage of the rebate on washing machines and ordered a new high efficiency machine. While we were at it, we decided to replace our dishwasher which is also barely limping along. We had over half the cost put aside in cash already, and the income tax return came in. HOWEVER, I have to make sure that the installers can get to the locations and do their jobs. That will be Tuesday. So instead of the recommended one step at a time, I am burning through clearing off the counters in the kitchen as well as the upstairs hall and the laundry room. All of those little bits of tidying I've been doing will be suddenly combined into a clear path and orderly view.
Cabinets and cupboards will come later, but the view of wide open counters is very appealing. The spices have been cleaned out, old ones disposed, rearranged and consolidated. The corner counter is mostly done. The phone counter awaits, but it has mucho paper on it and is a bit daunting. The island and refrigerator counters are glaring at me. Actual cleaning rather than shoving things into piles is rather satisfying, but takes a lot longer. I mean to get get one or to more finished tonight. Tomorrow morning is scheduled for the hallway and laundry room when I am fresh; then the rest of the counters after lunch. I have a total collapse penciled in by dinner time.
Starting Wednesday I'm going to follow FlyLady's plan, because I know I can't keep this up and stay sane. But prepping for shiny new machines is a great motivator and goal.