Yippie! We as a family have been having some strange and intermittent email problems. I think that the redirect from baron@storvik.atlantia.sca.org has been redirecting to oblivion for a while, but we did get email this morning so maybe that is fixed.
As this is Gosling#1's very first try at autocratting, we are thrilled that the full announcement made it online. The email fubars prevented it getting printed. Phooy. But such is life. She may get back at Gosling#2 at some time in the future as *he* was the one to win the "No Shit, There I Was" story telling competition. While it is not engraved in stone, one of the usual 'prizes' is to autocrat the next Post Pennsic. It really is a low stress event, no real feast, mostly a heavy dessert buffet, with contributions getting a discount on admission. I find it a lot of fun to schmoose, see what people got at Pensic, and what hear what they did.
Now I need to get back to serious Pensic prep. I have a few bits of garb to make, and an A&S project to complete. And the never ending packing. I think most of our bins are off in storage from when we had the basement finished. I had expected to have the storage unit emptied by now, but no such luck. Well, plastic bins are useful, and not too expensive. I just wish I had the spiffy wooden boxes we have form Ikea. Makes the place look less modern.
Pensic Projects:
=Light weight 'heraldic' tunic for Rorik
=White long sleeve light weight tunic for Rorik
=Viking apron for me
=Make cord for drawstring for Bayeux pouch, and maybe extra for apron straps
=Recover coolers with basket weave fabric (I have some heavier weight stuff that is better than what I had last year)
=See if repairs are complete on broaches that had an accident
=Check to see what we can do to help getting Storvikii shoulder flashes finished (we need 15 for Blackspear alone)
=Solidify Atlantian Royal Guard Schedule just as soon as we know what shift we have been assigned.
http://pennsic.atlantia.sca.org/index.php is the consolidated website which will include this info when available (I hope!)
And more stuff that is slipping my mind, and the mundanities of getting ready to go on vacation as well. Sometimes I hate being a responsible adult.
Oh yeah - and I keep distracting myself working on my incipient website. I actually have several pages worked up. But right now I just don't have time!