Ymir notes

Feb 12, 2007 21:00

Taking a sort of break tonight from the manic sewing of the past few weeks. I would really like to make some Middle Eastern garb for us, but I haven't researched it yet, and don't want to do a half-assed job. Gosling #1 has fabric and a plan, so we'll get her together. Think I will try to get Gosling#2's collar started too. Maybe even get a start on something for Coronation.

Ymir was interesting, and I got my very first invite to the Queen's tea. Talked with other baronesses, and got some very good tips. , I saw so many nice pieces that I am inspired. I still wrestle with what embroidery would have been done in period, versus just going ahead and working up heraldic representations. I'm thinking about a linen viking gown with ships on the edges - probably designed like some carvings I remember. While wool is proper, I don't think I would be able to wear it as much as a lighter one. I will investigate if I can find some royal blue tropical weight wool - that would fly for at least 3 seasons plus air conditioning. I will need to consult with garb-like people about what use to put some fabric I have to. And survey the stash for ideas too. I probably need to sell off more of the stash to make room, and balance finances.
I wasn't as cold as I could have been, but it looks like Husband Unit needs a hood as his clasp won't let him cover his face to stay warm. That goes on the list for Gulf War prep. Also learned that sitting in the front row makes it impossible to slip out of court when frozen.

I got sidetracked by the A&S, judging, and finally sitting down with Mistress Megan to work on my inkle loom weaving. We had to travel 5 hours from home to find the time together. But doing so, while keeping warm, ended up missing most of the fighting. I was all planned to attend, and realized I as out of time. Rats - missed Roland's knighting which I really wanted to be at. I have been told that time management will be a problem, and it is already biting me in the butt. We will need to work up what the baronial day shade will consist of - had an idea of a stove for hot liquids, some snacks, our chairs of course, but maybe a couple extra and a floor cloth. Needs contemplating and advice.

Have baronial/kingdom stuff to coordinate - Gulf War basket contributions, and baronial baskets. Will get that email out tomorrow. Also need to get our notes together for barony meeting. We forgot a bunch - and could have been more coherent. I'll pull together a better message for the next Drekkar.

Gack -tired and should crash, it's bed time.

ymir, goslings, sca, events, barony, garb

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