Mozart is God and Desmond is his prophet

Apr 04, 2008 10:18

While discussing yesterday in the writing meme,
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fanfiction, fanmix, mozart is god, opera, i really do love desmond

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Comments 6

ladymacbeth77 April 4 2008, 10:08:08 UTC
Mozart è Dio! Concordo!
Il Don Giovanni è l'opera più bella che abbia mai ascoltato. Grazie per il post! ♥


janie_tangerine April 4 2008, 11:42:28 UTC
E a lui ci prostriamo! ;)

E.. devo concordare. Obiettivamente quell'opera è la perfezione ♥


elliotsmelliot April 4 2008, 14:00:23 UTC
Oh, thank you. I will have to go back and read it accompanied with the soundtrack. This work is definitely deserving of a date with Des and I won't even ask to come along!


janie_tangerine April 4 2008, 16:51:05 UTC
Was my pleasure! Let me know if there are any difference when you read it with the right background music ;)

I'll certainly enjoy my movie night! The day after I don't doubt he won't object to go see Twelve Monkeys with you ;)


elliotsmelliot April 4 2008, 16:58:00 UTC
It is very kind of you to share him but I think Twelve Monkeys might be a rough movie for him to watch, what with all the random time jumps. Maybe we should see something light and frothy like Singin' in the Rain.


janie_tangerine April 4 2008, 17:15:25 UTC
Right, that wouldn't go. I was forgetting about the whole time jumping business. Singin' in the Rain would be a pretty fine option!


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