Book meme!

Oct 11, 2007 09:51

Book meme I found somewhere XD
Bold what you've read, italicize what you've started, cross out what you hated, underline those that are on the to read list.  Oh, and the asterisks are for what you've read more than once.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Wuthering Heights*
The Silmarillion
Life of Pi : a novel
The Name of the Rose
Don Quixote
Moby Dick
The Odyssey
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
A Tale of Two Cities
The Brothers Karamazov (in two or three days I shall bold this.) I FINISHED IT YEAHYEAHYEAH XD
Guns, Germs, and Steel: the fates of human societies
War and Peace
Vanity Fair
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Iliad
The Blind Assassin
The Kite Runner
Mrs. Dalloway
Great Expectations
American Gods
Atlas Shrugged
Reading Lolita in Tehran: a memoir in books
Memoirs of a Geisha
Wicked: the life and times of the wicked witch of the West
The Canterbury Tales (A few tales when I was studying English literature at school..)
The Historian: a novel
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Love in the Time of Cholera
Brave New World
The Fountainhead
Foucault's Pendulum
The Count of Monte Cristo*
A Clockwork Orange
Anansi Boys
The Once and Future King
The Grapes of Wrath*****************
The Poisonwood Bible : a novel*
1984 *********************************
Angels & Demons (geez I don't know how to take the line out but I didn't read it)
The Inferno
The Satanic Verses
Sense and Sensibility (because I read a couple of parts in school and I hated it. Like, I hate Jane Austen, as you'll all have guessed)
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Mansfield Park
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
To the Lighthouse (boooriing °_°)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Oliver Twist
Gulliver's Travels
Les Misérables
The Corrections
The Amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
The Prince
The Sound and the Fury
Angela's Ashes : A Memoir
The God of Small Things
A People's History of the United States: 1492-present
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Short History of Nearly Everything
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Slaughterhouse Five
The Scarlet Letter
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
The Mists of Avalon (same as the above, never read it and I don't intend to XD)
Oryx and Crake : a novel
Collapse : How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Cloud Atlas
The Confusion
Northanger Abbey
The Catcher in the Rye*
On the Road
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Freakonomics : a Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: an Inquiry into Values
The Aeneid
Watership Down
Gravity's Rainbow
The Hobbit
White Teeth
Treasure Island
David Copperfield
The Three Musketeers**************************
^ all of the above suggests me quite a few things.

1 I have to finish the Karamazov bros already (shit only 250 pages! I'm almost over!)
2 I have to finish A LOT of things I started.
3 I have to START a lot of other things (like Don Quixote. I should feel ashamed. Well, I feel ashamed.)
4 I HATE Jane Austen's guts.

And now I'm off to university.

01. Name a movie you have seen more than 10 times. Blade Runner, huh. And Stagecoach.
02. Name a movie you've seen multiple times in the theater. Theater? Mmmh, the first POTC I think.
03. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie. Johnny Depp, Uma Thurman, mr Jon Bon Jovi (don't make me tell what HORRIBLE stuff he made me see XD), CLINT EASTWOOD, I guess the Lost guys, Sean Penn
04. Name an actor who would make you less likely to see a movie. All the Harry Potter kids, present Tom Cruise, Hilary Duff & the whole company
05. Name a movie you can and do quote from. Blade runner, Casablanca, the movies Clint made with Leone
06. Name a movie musical in which you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs. The Rocky Horror picture show baby! leeet's dooo the tiiimeee waaarp agaaain! XD
07. Name a movie you have been known to sing along with. RHPS as before.
08. Name a movie you would recommend everyone see. Mh. The thin red line. And Paths of glory. Everyone should see those XD And Casablanca. And Blade Runner. And A streetcar named desire. And a lot of others.
09. Name a movie you own. You kidding me? I own like 100 dvds and don't count the vhs XD
10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops. David Bowie. I mean, he's GOOD. Damnfreaking good.
12. Name a movie you keep meaning to see but you just haven’t gotten around to yet. The searchers (I swear I've been meaning to see it for half of my life and never did °_°)
13. Ever walked out of a movie? No, but I've been tempted.
14. Name a movie that made you cry in the theater. many... Million Dollar Baby and The pianist share the top. I had people looking at me like I was completely mad and I was literally bawling XD then... mh, The grapes of wrath, pretty much every war movie I see and God, The Killer. I haven't seen that in the theater but damn, I cried for half an hour.
15. Popcorn? Nah. Don't like them.
16. How often do you go to the movies? I try once a week, then I don't go for a month and then I see three in a week. And I watch many at home XD
17. What's the last movie you saw in the theater? The last Ken Loach one... It's a free world.
18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of movie? I'll take anything as long as it isn't that crap American comedy a là American Pie V or the crappy italian ones, but I like 70s/80s sci-fi, the 30/40/50s classics, WESTERNS *_* and anyway those kinds... I always enjoy a good old school horror too, not that idiotic slaughter thing they do today °_°
19. What's the first movie you remember seeing in the theater? Snow white and the seven dwarfes, lame. But I have been told that the first was Walt Disney's Fantasia and the first non-animated one was some Woody Allen thing with my parents, but I can't remember those °_°
20. What movie do you wish you had never seen? The sweetest thing (damn IT SUCKED, GOD THE WORST MOVIE EVER), The hole (the one with Keira Knightley....... BLEAAAAAAAARGH), the one with Anne Hathaway where she was a princess (horrible, just... bleaaaaaaaaah XD) and I think the title was The hate, the one they say it's Kassovitz's best one... WTF? I fell asleep in the middle of it for how boring it was °_°
21. What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed? Weird? I really don't know..
22. What is the scariest movie you’ve seen? Go see the original Psycho on a big screen, not on TV, and then you tell me. That actually was the only one, I like horror movies mainly because they never scare me XD
23. What is the funniest film you have ever seen? Every thing that genious of Mel Brooks put out (Frankenstein jr, Blazing saddles and Spaceballs overall, oh damn I love them XD), Some like it hot, Arsenic and old lace (oh god that was the crackiest movie ever put out in the 40s but is pure genious XD) and M.A.S.H XD

meme, books

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