Meme, layout and stuff

Oct 10, 2007 19:20

lasamy, as absolutely usual.

Comment here and I'll give you a band (you can pick a music genre for me to choose from, or not). Then you list your ten favorite songs by that band in your lj.

I got Keith Urban XDDD

1. You look good in my shirt (why, no one expected this I'm sure...)
2. Just some love
3. Future plans
4. Got it bad
5. Days go by
6. Homespun love
7. I never work on a Sunday
8. These are the days
9. Raining on Sunday
10. You're not my God/Making memories of us

Anyway, new layout. Too much Boone is never enough I guess. Oh yeah. And university is heaven XD

Oh. Just FYI..

- Kensei rocks my world.
- Hiro is love and should get the girl. Or Ando, at least.
- Ando is love too.
- Sylar, don't touch Molly.
- MATT AND MOHINDER ARE SUCH A CANON OPT IT'S EVEN RIDICOLOUS and they make my fangirl soul happy.
- Dead!DL sucks. Almost as dead!Isaac.

meme, heroes, layout

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