fannish meme stolen from a lot of people

Aug 30, 2012 10:28

It looks like fun! Pick a number and I'll answer that question.

1 - Your current OTP(s ( Read more... )


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Comments 37

vella_amor_dm August 30 2012, 08:47:34 UTC
3 (totally want answers for like half of this list though lol)


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 09:05:06 UTC
*thinks* well, Sandor/Sansa is definitely not the kind of ship I usually go for (for one, IT'S HET!!!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? ;) ), and I did resist at once, but it didn't exactly last long. Saying that I ship it like burning now covers it, but at the beginning it was weird because as stated I usually don't do het and I usually never care for characters under sixteen either way, so the fact that I'M ACTUALLY SO VERY INVESTED IN IT still feels weird at times. But I got over it. ;) In that sense I suppose I should be surprised at Jaime/Brienne too but the moment I got over the 'I SHIP HET??!!!' thing I realized that they totally fell into one of my two basic ships templates so it's totally not unusual.


cassiopeia7 August 30 2012, 10:44:42 UTC
21, please! :)


ladyamaly August 30 2012, 11:46:39 UTC
oh, can I ask more than one? XD 1, 4, 11, 15 and 17. Too many? XD But I'm curious and I love to hear what other people have to say about fannish stuff and pairings.


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 12:50:36 UTC
Well, it doesn't say anywhere that there's a limit ( ... )


ladyamaly August 30 2012, 20:31:54 UTC
1 - Heeeey, BrucexTony! I approve of that pairing, even though I never actually read fanfiction for it [the only Avengers pairing I've read fanfiction for was ClintxNatasa. And, well, ThorxLoki, but I think that one works better pre-Avengers ( ... )


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 20:41:51 UTC
Hey you're not bothering! I like discussing things! ;) that said ( ... )


elliotsmelliot August 30 2012, 13:08:59 UTC


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 16:10:51 UTC
Lost: Jack/Boone (as if anyone had doubts about *that*.....)
ASOIAF: Jaime/Brienne and Robb/Theon, they're even. ;)
Deadwood: Joanie/Jane


elliotsmelliot August 30 2012, 16:20:45 UTC
I did wonder if Jack/Boone were still as close to your heart all these years. I wonder what Jane would think of Brienne?


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 16:30:00 UTC
It still is! <3 It totally gives me fond memories. If that finale did one good thing was making it so that I'd have fond memories of it instead of being like 'the last time they saw each other one of them was dying'. ;) And... oh dear, now I want a Jane/Brienne meetup. That would be a riot! I'm imagining Jane being puzzled over Brienne not cussing as much as the general rule is in Deadwood and then taking her out for drinks while Brienne is all like '... WHAT IS THIS'.


ozmissage August 30 2012, 14:12:13 UTC


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 16:42:21 UTC
Lost: Boone for life. I'm loyal to a fault, I guess, but what can I do. ;)

SPN: I'll have to go with Castiel here. If Ash had been around more the position would be automatically his, but I've spent too much time having my heart broken over Cas to go with anyone else. <3

ASOIAF: ... why did I pick this, it's complicated. Ah well, if we're talking overall and not characters that are actually still around, it's got to be Robb (book version thanks, I'm still trying to forget about Talisa). If we're talking people that are around, Brienne. But I have Theon, Jaime and Davos just right behind and I can't make up my mind about which one I like best.

Vampire porn: Damon for life here too. I like his doomed and angsty face too much. And he still cracks me up too much for it to be anyone else.

Deadwood: TRIXIE. End of story. I still can't get over how awesome she was. Though Al was a close second.


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