fannish meme stolen from a lot of people

Aug 30, 2012 10:28

It looks like fun! Pick a number and I'll answer that question.

1 - Your current OTP(s ( Read more... )


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janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 12:50:36 UTC
Well, it doesn't say anywhere that there's a limit. ;)

1) Okay, this is going to be more than one OTP XD Robb/Theon would be one, Bruce/Tony from the Avengers would be another though I don't see myself writing fic for that fandom anytime soon (DAUUUNTIIING), Jaime/Brienne (WHAT NEWS) and well I'm always into Dean/Cas, though right now I'm reading more with those other three. (... okay, mainly the second since there's not much new fic for the ASOIAF ones, but eeeh.)

4) Sam/Gabriel from SPN? I mean, it's not that I wished I liked it but more, I wish I'd get it - because as much as I look at how popular it is I don't really get where it comes from or why most of it is relatively angstless when if I had to write it I'd make it the hugest angstfest ever. And I wish I was more enthusiastic about Renly/Loras but for some reason even if it's actually canon I don't really get fannish over it (when if there's some canon m/m ship I'm usually all over it).

11) Uuuuhm. I'm limiting this to stuff I'm actually active in. SPN: everyone in my FL is awesome, people who have been spending the summer being like 'aaah WE DON'T WANT MORE CASTIEL S8 HAS TO FOCUS ON SAM&DEAN ONLY' (as if S7 didn't do just that) are making me headdesk like crazy. ASOIAF: on LJ I've just had awesome interaction and everyone I know who is in that fandom is absolutely awesome so I think all the good things. On tumblr... well, let's say that considering what I go searching for I spend my time running into Theon haterade/bashing/etcetc, my opinion would be that if you hate on Theon without even bothering to understand where he comes from then I don't hold you in a very high esteem. And idg why it seems that there's always perpetual arguing (always on tumblr), but whatever. I'm just there for the pretty pictures.

15) I put the player on and skipped at random until a shippy song happened. that would be this one. At some point I put it in a Dean/Cas mix ages ago so I suppose it's one it applies to. Atm it's on my Jaime/Brienne playlist tho. ;)

17) .. does it count if I say that I used to ship Sam/Dean a lot before S4 but that now I can't do it unless they're threesomed with Cas? XD I mean, it's not that I hate it now or whatever (I mean I used to ship it, I didn't do a 180°) but I just ship Dean a hell of a lot more with Castiel and after four years (almost five actually) of WHICH SHIP IS BETTER debates in fandom I totally lost most of my taste for it. Unless we're talking about said threesome.


ladyamaly August 30 2012, 20:31:54 UTC
1 - Heeeey, BrucexTony! I approve of that pairing, even though I never actually read fanfiction for it [the only Avengers pairing I've read fanfiction for was ClintxNatasa. And, well, ThorxLoki, but I think that one works better pre-Avengers]

4 - I've read some fanfic for SamxGabriel, but I never got to understand them as a pairing either. I read fic for it because it was from an author I looooooved. And yeah, why is it happy? If you think about it, it should be as angsty as DeanxCas! LorasxRenly...I love Renly. and I love Loras. But when I try reading fanfic for them, it's just meeeah. I've read a LorasxRenlyxMaergery threesome once, and that was awesome. It was also the only one I've ever found. :(

11 - you know, I've never actually encountered Theon bashing on tumblr, but to be honest, I spend so little time on tumblr and I never really search for things. I think that if I searched for things for my favorite characters, especially in ASOIAF, I'd only find stuff that depressed me. So I stay awaaaaay from it.

15 - that's got to be one of my favorite songs ever. and Dancing in the Dark. @____@ XD I've never thought about it in a JaimexBrienne or DeanxCas context, but now that you mention fits! usually, my go-to-songs for every otp ever are Leonard Cohen - I'm your man and Elbow - An audience with the pope. XD

17 - I think every shipper who ever watched SPN shipped Wincest just a bit. I shipped it. My friend who didn't know what shipping was shipped it. But once Cas was in the pictureee~

And oh, yeah, threesomes. I'm all for them. DeanxCasxSam? Yup. GabrielxCrowleyxMeg? Yes [okay, I'm the only person in the world that wants this, but it would have been awesome, DAMNIT!] also, I'd add just about anyone to RobbxTheon.

RobbxTheonxJon? That's good. TheonxRobbxAsha? Sure, get in the middle of the Kraken sandwich, Robb. TheonxRobbxSansa? Yeah, why not?

But no one ever writes threesoooooomes [well, except for that glorious TheonxRobbxJonxRos thing I read once, but that's it.]

I'm going to stop bothering you now. :)


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 20:41:51 UTC
Hey you're not bothering! I like discussing things! ;) that said:

1) hahah tbh I watched that movie just because I figured that everyone would be into it so I wanted to be up with fandom, but as I hadn't seen any other movie leading up to it I went in being like 'well I know the facts let's hope it's not boring' and then I went out of it being like BRUCE BANNER LOVE OF MY LIFE I NEED TO SHIP YOU WITH YOUR SCIENCE BOYFRIEND. I suppose I should catch up on the others..... though yeah I've seen Thor after and Thor/Loki works a lot better in that one, though it did in Avengers too I suppose.

4) Idk, they just sound like crackship to me. And then there's a bunch of it and it's the side pairing in half of the D/C I read and then it's all HAPPY and I'm like '... do you remember Mystery Spot?' and I just don't get it. And yeah, I like them both though I guess I'm not as big on them as the fandom is (tbh I was on team Stannis from the beginning if I had to pick a Baratheon), but with fic it's just meeh. I can't really get into it.

15) that song is gooooodddd. ;) like ALL SPRINGSTEEN IS. Also omg I'm Your Man was totes one of my default D/C songs, though then I used it to title a fic that was Jon C/Rhaegar so figure that out. XD

17) I think it's that before Cas there really was no option - no one else was around for serious shipping (unless we count John but I don't really do that kind of incest X_X). But then Cas happened and then YESSSSS. Also threesomes are awesome and there should be more and Gabriel/Crowley/Meg would be glorious. Also YES THEON/ROBB/ASHA should exist except that I've never found one and it's a pity because you know it'd be basically Theon getting topped like nobody's business *cough* meeeh more threesomes should exist INDEED.


ladyamaly August 30 2012, 21:55:57 UTC
1- I LOVE SUPERHERO MOVIES LIKE NOTHING ELSEEEEEEE. Seriously, I cannot think of a single superhero movie which I haven't seen. Even the shitty ones. I just, it's my guilty pleasure. And the Avengers is the ultimate superhero movie, because it's fun, something blows up every 5 minutes, and the people are sexy.

Goddamnit, Bruce was great. Mark Ruffalo, you're awesome. @___@ Hey, would it be too much trouble to ask for a fic rec for BrucexTony? I scared to go searching for fic in the avengers fandom, because it's just soooo big and I'm not really familiar with it. XD

4- Yeah, it's a crackship. I have no idea what started it though. Like...WHERE DOES THE ATTRACTION COME FROM? It's probably the most popular crackship I've ever seen in any fandom ever. ASOIAF has some pretty popular crackships as well, and I look at some and think..."Fandom, HOW?" Like, JaimexSansa. Or SansaxStannis. Or RobbxMyrcella. I'm curious where the love for these pairings came from, because I'm a bit unable to see the connection, even though I try.

STANNIS! Gotta love him, but I just know GRRM is going to break my heart when it comes to Stannis and have him killed. T_T Nooooo. Stannis should be king of SOMETHING by the end of the series! Also...STANNISxDAVOS <333333

15- Yup, Springsteen pretty much rules. I'm Your Man is probably one of the sexiest songs ever, because of Leonard Cohen's voooooooooice. I melt when I hear him sing, but it's like in I'm your man he decided to pump the sexiness up to 100. He's going to be singing in my country again this year, and the concert will be on the other side of the country and I'm flat broke and I can't gooooo. Again. ;___;

17 - I shipped DeanxMeg in season 1, because why not? :)) I think I still ship it a tiny bit. And, well, SamxRuby in season 3. Damn, SamxRuby. Season 4 is still my favorite in terms of everything, but also because I was able to have SamxRuby and DeanxCas. <33333


GabrielxCrowleyxMeg would be the sassiest, snarkiest ship ever. Can you imagineeee it? They would troll the hell out of the Dean, Cas and Sam. Actually, there should be a fic in which Gabriel, Crowley and Meg hook up and then decide to troll Dean, Cas and Sam. Their trolling would involve getting both Winchesters and Cas in the same bed sans clothes. Boom! A double threesome fic!

WHY IS THERE NO THEOXROBBXASHA? Yeah, also, because Everybody Kicks Theon, Asha would probably tie him in the corner and force him to watch as she had her way with Robb. Because both of them would top Theon, but Asha tops EVERYONE.

I'm glad I'm not bothering. XD As you can see, I tend to talk too much. XD


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 22:09:48 UTC
1 I'm weird with them - it's like, i <333 the Burton Batman movies but I'm not too much into the Nolan ones, and all the others I've seen were because I was having crushes on various actors in them (and the wrong ones at that - I mean, I went to see the first Spiderman one just because Willem Dafoe was in it *facepalms*), but for some reason I had never seen the Marvel ones. Idek. But I enjoyed Avengers a whole damn lot. ;)

heee, Mark Ruffalo is my new shiny crush *cough* and of course I can give you recs! (the good thing is that the movie was out in Europe before the US, and when I saw it there were like TEN Bruce/Tony fics on AO3, so I basically managed to keep up with that tag and I've read all there is to read *cough*) do you have some favorite tropes/anything you don't want to read or I can just go with whatever? And ahah well my familiarity with that fandom is basically the Bruce/Tony tag on AO3 and the kink meme, if we're talking about comics I'm like HAHAHAHAHA WHAT NOPE TOO BIG.

4) Robb/Myrcella I guess it's because she had that sort of crush on him in GOT? It was mentioned? For Jaime/Sansa well, I tend to dislike that ship on principle because every time I tried to read it Brienne was never even mentioned in passing and I was like 'hey, this girl goes through all of Westeros, loses half of her face etc etc to find Sansa BECAUSE SHE PROMISED JAIME and wait she also has this canon crush on him as big as the Empire State Building and then JAIME HOOKS UP WITH SANSA AND SHE'S NOWHERE TO BE SEEN WHAAAT'. There's also the fact that I ship Sansa/Sandor tbh so idk Jaime/Sansa to me sounds like a ship where two gorgeous people that have more significant canon relationship with not-so-gorgeous people hook up and are very pretty together, and I just don't get it at all. /o\ Sorry for the rant but that ship for me is a great source of puzzlement. (As Jon/Dany is, but with those two I just laugh whenever I think about it because I think that if they actually met they would so NOT be into each other..)

Stannis is awesooome (and canonically in <333 with Davos, the end) and well I really want him to rule because he's the one idiot in there who gets that ruling isn't about *HIM*, it's about the realm. But pfff I never get what I want.

15 ngh I know? I love Cohen's voice so much. And that song is like, sexy voice upped up by thousands. And uuuugh NOOOO ;___; I've seen him live once and he was awesome, I hope you manage at some point.

17 I have a problem with Meg bc the first actor was like the split image of my childhood bff and she just crept me out. XD and yeah, word on S4 being the best. SHIP WARS WOULDN'T EXIST WITH MORE THREESOMES, LET ME TELL YOU. <33 and omg that would be a sassy trolling threesome I could totally get behind!!

I DON'T KNOW. FUCK THERE SHOULD BE. And ahahah obviously, Asha is the toppiest top that ever topped in Westeros. End of it. And considering that her brother imo the bottomest bottom that ever bottomed even if he doesn't like to admit it, I'd totally die to read that. Also because Robb would at least buffer the animosity and ifhdsfhjsdkf the day I feel confident enough to do it I'm doing it if no one else thinks about it first.


ladyamaly August 30 2012, 22:48:20 UTC
1 - God, the Spiderman movies were...pretty sucky :| I mean, I LOVE Spiderman, but he was snarky and fun and nerdy, and Mary Jane was sexy and sassy and Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were sort of emo and mopey.

I have a crush on everyone in Avenger except for Tom Hiddleston. Maybe it's because EVERYONE ELSE seems to love and adore him and I'm being a hipster by not liking the guy.

YOU CAN GIVE ME WHATEVER YOU WANT. If possible, I'd like it to be longer than 10,000 words, but other than that? Go wild XD You have great taste in music and ships, so I'm trusting you with it. XD

4 - Feel free to rant. I love rants. especially ship-related ones.

EXACTLY! Also, one of the reasons why I love SansaxSandor is because Sansa starts off as very superficial and head-in-clouds, and her ideal man is basically someone like Jaime - wickedly hot, a great knight, seemingly shiny and fun, very charming. But then the whole fantasy falls apart, and she's got someone like Sandor - disfigured, gruff, angry and blunt. And ultimately, it's Sandor that gives her the time of day. I've always felt that SanSan happening would be the ultimate proof that Sansa grew up. The same can be said about JaimexBrienne. Jaime admiting some sort of romantic feelings towards Brinne would be the final step of his character development and it would mean he FINALLY left Cersei and the Lannister web of self-destruction behind him. And then he'd probably be killed by a dragon. :| OR BY BRIENNE, BECAUSE WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS LAST! [as you can see, I have a lot of feelings on the subject.]

Stannis and Davos are the least heterosexual pair of males in all of Westeros. I wonder whether GRRM realized how some of lines sounded when he wrote them.

15 - actually, with my luck, this is going to happen: I finally manage to buy a ticket to his concert and I get there. he dies an hour before the show starts. I remeber one time when AC/DC came around. My dad and I both wanted to go, and we had enough money for tickets, for the trip, everything. And the I realized my once-in-a-life-time, your-future-depends-on-this exam is on the very same day so both my dad and I had to cry in front of the TV :|

17 - DO IIIIIIIIT! I'd read it. THE FANDOM WOULD THANK YOU FOR IT! Also, do it because if you don't do it, I'll do it, and it takes me too long to get anything done.

Imagine the hotness of them together. @__@ Robb and Asha can team up and conquer everything together, and they could kick Euron and Victarion's asses. AND THEN THEON WOULD GO TO SLEEP BETWEEN AND HE WOULD NEVER FEEL LIKE HE DOESN'T BELONG EVER AGAIN. ;_______;


janie_tangerine August 30 2012, 23:09:41 UTC
1 Lol I've just seen the first two and the second because I desperately wanted to get out of the house at my grandma's place and that movie in the main square was the only option, so. I didn't dislike them, but I'm not familiar with the comics either (I'm terrible with comics, I just read Italian ones lol) so I couldn't say anything either way.

... HAHAHAHAHA THAT'S THE TWO OF US! XD Well no I get the charm but he's not my favorite by a long shot. Also I don't really get why Loki is so awesome /o\ oooh well. Hulk for me plzkthx.

Oookay so recs: this one is LONG, plotty and has awesome sexytimes and UUUNFFF characterization and it's like 50k so it should fit your request for long stuff perfectly ;);

This one here is a WIP but the author will be posting the last two parts shortly (she says she has them already written) and it's OMG GORGEOUS and I didn't know I had a thing for soul-bond tropes until I read it but apparently I do;

this is another long-ass one which I remember being awesome, but it's also Tony/Pepper/Bruce - if you're into it, then it's good reading ;)

this is a srsly lovely high school AU with awesome characterizations, and I'm not really into HS AUs much so if I say it's good... ;)

this is a different AU whose plot I can't put here or goodbye character limits but the summary says it all and it was eeexceeellent;

this one is basically I'LL BE IN MY BUNK. I can't find better definitions. It's good. very. very. good.

this one is still some excellent porn and Tony/Pepper/Bruce - sorry for sneaking the threesome in again xD;

This is a veeery lovely Steve/Bruce/Tony, I dunno if you're into that OT3 too but since I'm here and it's long.. XD;

okay this is a series that is about the entire team but has some srsly lovely Bruce/Tony/Pepper (AGAIN! why do I have all the threesomes bookmarked? XD) and it's awesome also for everyone else, so I'm just linking the entire thing;

OMG ADORABLE COFFEE SHOP AU! which is less than 10k but it's just too awesome to be real and it made me like Loki, FIGURE THAT OUT XD

aaand this other one is just adorable and the title says it all.

I can have more tomorrow when I manage to check the kink meme bookmarks ;)

4 yes yes YES EVERYTHING ABOUT SANSA AND SANDOR YESSSSSSSSS. (also pfff everyone thinks Jaime is dead before the series is over, so I just hope GRRM likes to troll us and he doesn't die. if that has to happen PLEASE have him and Brienne doing it first or I'll be inconsolable forever.

And HAHAHAHAHAHAH HETEROSEXUALITY? WHAT? I think that if GRRM wasn't aware of at least that part in ASOS when Davos is like 'my tongue is yours to do as you please' then he isn't half as smart as he wants us to believe.

... nooo that's horrible DDDDDDD: that happened to me with some other people though not as big and it sucks so hard DDDDDDDD:

hahahahah well someone has to do it at some point, if I can manage to come up with SOMETHING I might as well. Also




ladyamaly August 31 2012, 00:02:25 UTC

Especially if Bruce and Tony are in them. XD Also...

Stark, A.E., and Banner, R. Bruce. (2013). "Biodosimetric Tools for Measuring Induced Isomeric Transition in Inverted Paired States." International Journal of Radiation Biology 89.9, 43-85. - this is the best title for a fanfic. EVER. :))

DON'T GIVE ME ANYMORE. Not yet. XD I need to read these first. XD

4 I think you just have to accept the fact that he will destroy our souls. Jaime will die. Stannis will die. Either Sansa or Arya will die, and to make it really, really great, they will die because of Lady Stoneheart. Theon will die. Brienne will probably die as well. Tommen and Myrcella will die. :| My heart will be shattered.

I've read the most awesome, heartbreaking theory ever on some forum - that Azor Ahai is actually Davos, but his Nyssa Nyssa isn't his wife, it's Stannis. And Melisandre saw Stannis in her flames because he was supposed to die at the hands of Azor Ahai!Davos. And that is a theory so angsty that is manages to top the angst levels of RobbxTheon, so of course I like it.



janie_tangerine August 31 2012, 07:40:40 UTC

Lololol that title is awesome, but what's contained within is EVERY BIT AS AWESOME XD and ahah enjoy these and let me know if you want moar. ;)

I can't say anything about Jaime, Stannis and Sansa or Arya, but I want to argue about Theon XD my current theory is that if he got out of ADWD alive there's just no way he's biting it later. Also after reading the TWOW chapter I have half a theory on how he doesn't die in THAT one at least, but I'm keeping my mouth shut in case of unwanted spoilers. ;) And... ha, you know I read a fic like that? I mean, that Davos is AA and Stannis is Nissa-Nissa. But atm I'm more in the 'Jon is AA' camp, mostly because if Jon isn't AA then he doesn't have much of a chance to survive and I WANT HIM TO LIVE OKAY.



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