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Comments 28

imora_mi_savur April 1 2012, 10:56:53 UTC
Urgh, everything you said about Jane Austin, just YES, THIS, EXACTLY! I cannot stand her books. I never saw the sarcasm that they're supposed to be so full of, and her so called heroine's were the template for all the annoying, self righteous, whiny women in literature today, and Emma is by far the worst. Seriously, Bella Swan? Totally Austin's fault.

Cannot wait for GoT tonight, I'm actually counting down in hours now lol.

I'll take a letter please :)


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 11:09:10 UTC
I LOVE YOUR FIRST PARAGRAPH. THAT. Oh, sure, she invented the modern woman in literature. Are we kidding? Emma was the worst out of the bunch but uuugh just NO. And then I get told that Jane Eyre is OMG SO WHINY AND UNSUFFERABLE in comparison to Austen characters. How about no. *team Bronte forever*


Mmmh give me give me give me... I'll have a J. :)


888mph April 1 2012, 15:13:17 UTC
YES! Everything about this!!!

Give me a letter, please.


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 20:06:17 UTC
C for you :)


cassiopeia7 April 1 2012, 11:14:26 UTC

Their eyes. That was what finally broke me to tears. It was the last few minutes that had me teetering, but it was totally the Bobby-Dean interaction that did me in. Bobby looking all abandoned and lost; Dean all happy and "There you are!", then grabbing the flask; and the look in Bobby's eyes when he realized he couldn't be seen. *cries*

. . . and then Dean pausing in the doorway like he'd felt something after all. OMG, Show, what you do to me!

Brb needing gen Dean & Bobby fic now.

You know, if ANYBODY is capable of writing the perfect coda to that last scene . . . her name is janie_tangerine. Just sayin'. ;)

short of Cas resurrecting Bobby again someway this is going to end in a weepfest however it goes and I'm not sure I can deal with it.Weepfest, yeah. Because Bobby won't want to stick around for all eternity like that, and Dean loves him enough to not let ( ... )


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 11:29:19 UTC
I know? I KNOW? Those two - I can't deal. That scene was just so perfect and I just - I so wanted Dean to see him ;____; Bobbyyy ;___; my heart is broken. BROKEN. But I'm really glad that Bobby is back for real ( ... )


cassiopeia7 April 1 2012, 12:10:13 UTC
to give him a send off when everyone is aware of

I'm thinking that either Dean will end up salting and burning that flask -- with Bobby's full blessings. Or Bobby will choose to go off into the light (like Molly from "Roadkill", or even how John did it in AHBL2) I'm gonna cry no matter what, but I really, really hope Bobby gets to "go gentle into that good night" rather than the standard flaming, screaming sendoff ghosts tend to get. Bobby deserves that much.

ugh Bobby why did you have to go in the first place?

Seriously. Friggin' writers got a little too kill-happy, that is for SURE. What were they THINKING?? D:


Whaaaat? Those guys are a little mature to be in high school, surely?

all the very pretty men in it are often shirtless

Ooh, BINGO!! And you know, just because of that icon, I'll be sure to check out a couple of episodes. ;) Even though icon!dude really should fear Dean Winchester. Just ask Crowley -- or any number of deceased, formerly badass supernatural beings. ;)


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 12:14:33 UTC
Omg I'm so with you on the entire Bobby thing. let's hope he can go like that ;_____; because I really can't take it if he goes crazy or anything like that. BOBBYYY ;____;

I know? Writers YOU'RE SADISTIC.

Well, to be entirely truthful they forgot about the whole high school thing before mid S1 was over - right now they remember that just when it suits them. ;) but if you're checking out a couple eps skip the first seven of S1 and look at eight instead, if you watched the pilot you'd be horrified and run away screaming. The beginning was godawful, but then it just got gloriously better.

And ahahahah icon!dude is my favorite. I love his face and his snark and tbh I think he and Dean would make the best crossover couple ever, but. XD


cassiopeia7 April 1 2012, 11:48:22 UTC
(Because uber-long post gets a two-part response.) :D

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater is my favorite Vonnegut book for a whole lot of reasons. But the main character is totally one.

I am intrigued. Mainly because I'm kind of a Vonnegut!anarchist myself, what with Welcome to the Monkey House being my favorite Vonnegut, ("All the King's Horses," my favorite piece within.) I've always gotten the raised eyebrow for choosing that book as my fave. ;)

Elvira, from Mozart's Don Giovanni . . . I can't help admiring someone as stubborn as her

*delivers standing ovation*
*pulls out Don Giovanni CDs to have a listen at that trio*
(Don't shoot, but my utter favorite is the Giovanni/Zerlina duo from Act One.) :D

Aragorn and Arwen WHO? Faramir and Eowyn were the real deal!

I must come to Italy and hug you just for that sentence alone. &hearts

all of these supposedly emancipated woman who are oh so modern and oh so interesting always, ALWAYS, have an epiphany on the second to last chapter when they're like OMG I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THE GUY ( ... )


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 12:29:44 UTC
Heee yay for Vonnegut anarchists who don't necessarily love Slaughterhouse Five better than the others! Tbh I love Mr. Rosewater because of the whole spin on how if you're a decent person and have money and want to use it to do good for others you're automatically considered crazy - and I thought the entire thing was genius. Also I kind of loved that it made a statement that if you're poor/don't have money/didn't have much luck in life it doesn't mean that you're necessarily slacking off or don't deserve help. And I loved that it also brought back some of my favorite things in Slaughterhouse Five (Trout, the Dresden bombing) but that it was an entirely different spin. I just have a lots of feelings about this one. (Also your favorite is totally an excellent choice too XD)

And haha the DG/Zerlina duet is amazing! Totally great choice. My favorite is probably the second act finale though... ;) and that said my favorite single aria will never not be Elvira's first one. <3 ( ... )


cassiopeia7 April 1 2012, 13:33:22 UTC
Any excuse to dig into the Mozart is a good excuse for me. ;) So, the Elvira trio you mentioned -- is it Ah Taci, Ingiusto Core!, or another one? I had a bit of trouble looking through the track listing. (And this is where I wish I could really read Italian. Following the libretto along with the performers and quickly jumping over to the English translation so I know what the hell just happened . . . just doesn't cut it.) :(

What were the movies thinking, sidelining the one TOLD love story in that book for making up the Aragorn/Arwen stuff?

I will never figure it out for sure, but maybe . . . because Faramir/Eowyn's passion wasn't loud and in-your-face enough for the moviemakers? Or maybe because, even for fans of the books, they weren't exactly sitting at the cool kids' table? One thing I remember from when the movies first came out was the great uproar over the omission of Tom Bombadil and his songs. Him, fans made a fuss over, but not so much fuss over the back-burnering of Faramir and Eowyn. IDGI.

I'll take Jane ( ... )


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 13:59:40 UTC
I meant that one, yes! It makes me cryyy ;____; she's just so HOPEFUL in there and you know she's getting screwed all over again and ;_____; sometimes I just hope that she and Leporello hooked up after the ending so they could commiserate together about Giovanni, lol. Just because they'd totally get each other ( ... )


dotfic April 1 2012, 14:28:34 UTC
SPN was a ninja about Bobby's appearance. A SUPER SNEAKY STEALTH NINJA. I'm impressed. <3 And I cried, even though I watched after everyone else had and had read the spoilers. Possibly if I'd watched it unwares, I would've jumped out of my chair while crying and flailing. Hee.

The way they had Dean drinking in this ep was ridiculous, but I was very happy about the Cas mentions and BOBBY OMG BOBBY and Dean with a samurai sword, and the Sam and Dean moments were top-notch. Sam being Dean's eyes on the invisible monster thing; Sam's concern for Dean; and the conversation they had about grief. It was beautiful.

*snerk* Garth/Becky? PERFECT. No really, that's perfect, and solves so many of my issues. (The only 2 characters in the history of the show I cannot. Stand. Ship them together! It's brilliant! :D)


janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 20:35:01 UTC
Hee they were so stealthy! ;DDDDD not that I minded though - sometimes it's better to be surprised. <33 and omg that bit was just so TOUCHING. Though it totally reinforced my opinion that this show is better with both Cas and Bobby in it...

Ugh. I KNOW. I can't deal with the part about the drinking - I'm expecting the finale to be about Dean going into liver failure before they can go after Dick :/// but yeah, Cas mention and Bobby were good and I totally forgot to mention the part with Sam guiding Dean with the sword but that part was <3333333 too. And I still can't help thinking that the random sushi guy should be recurring, since he provided the only parts which I found funny at all.. XD

Lol idk from the ending of 7x08 and that thing he was saying on the phone I gathered it was Becky. meh. I just don't care either way but I'm still pissed about that episode because I actually liked Becky before. Sort of. Meh.)


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janie_tangerine April 1 2012, 20:42:41 UTC
I had that impression too but they didn't say it outright, so it was good to have it confirmed. :) and OH MY GOD I KNOW? HE CALLED TO CHECK UP! WHILE SAM DROVE! <3333333333

Hahahah that was actually good, though re Dean it's worrying - I mean, if you're at the point where you can't even get drunk anymore then it means you're this close to pull an Edgar Allan Poe and... no, okay. DEAN WE WANT YOUR LIVER TO BE FINE.

It was good to actually see him though ;) ;)

Sure! You get R :)


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