spn + vampire porn reviews, and a meme, and other stuff
Apr 01, 2012 12:23
1. Okay, review time. SPN first!
a. Uhm, so, how bad it is that apart from the last five minutes, the thing I enjoyed most about this episode was the random sushi restaurant guy? He made me crack up every time he appeared. That part when they were blessing the sword was like, so much crack, I couldn't. And the guy was like 'hey this is so totally random and omg why does this guy want me to BLESS a sword for but OMG IT'S SO COOL I GET TO BLESS A SWORD!'. Idk that parts cracked me up so much.
b. That said, lol at Dean not even taking the price tag from the sword. (That said: OMG DEAN WITH A SAMURAI SWORD *faints*)
c. What I didn't like: errr people, considering the state Dean's liver is in and considering that he had been on a sober binge for a good enough time, was that REALLY necessary to get him drunk? :////// someone saying 'hey just sit this one out?' :///
d. Well, it was good to know that Dean and Sam actually like, KNOW that Meg is keeping an eye on Cas. Not that it makes the entirety of the situation any better but it's better if they actually are in the known. It's also nice to know that they're somewhat checking up on him and that they aren't, er, both totally okay with how it went down.
e. Regarding the rest, it was give or take. I don't mind Garth either way and I totally support his choices in hunting lifestyle - I mean, he's right, why the hell do you have to go to seedy and uncomfortable motels all the time when you can get a nice, comfortable bed? - but the whole part with the puppet sock was.. er. If I had been the kid I'd have felt slightly insulted. Also oh dear was he phoning Becky after he salted and burned the corpse in the beginning? ... well, I suppose he's better for her than Sam. Though okay, let's not just thing about the Horrid Episode From Hell that was 7x08. Anyway, maybe I'd care more about Garth if they hadn't, er, killed off all the other supporting characters around, but as things are I don't particularly mind him but I'm not head over heels about him either.
f. Let's talk about the last five minutes?
So, well, it was kinda obvious that Bobby had stayed behind, I mean, with the empty bottle and magically showing up books and all, but I really hadn't expected him to show up for real in this episode out of every episode they could pick - and damn Jim Beaver for being a troll with all the abominable snowman stuff on Twitter making me think that Bobby wasn't coming back at all.
Flash news: I ABOUT WEPT. Being unspoiled was awesome. (In the same way being unspoiled for 7x17 was - I didn't know zilch about it except for a couple things and it totally paid off.) And OH GOSH WHEN DEAN CAME BACK TO GET THE FLASK AND BOBBY LOOKED ALL SAD THAT HE HAD FORGOTTEN IT AND THEN FOR A MOMENT IT SEEMED LIKE THEY COULD SEE EACH OTHER AND AAAAH ;________________; No seriously. Dean's face just after he killed the shojo and called for Bobby and DEAN'S FACE WHEN HE LOOKED AT THE FLASK AND BOBBY'S FACE WHEN HE LOOKED AT DEAN ;_______________; idk how do they do it but ;____; show, damn you, that's why I didn't want you to kill him in the first place. Brb needing gen Dean & Bobby fic now. Also Sam's rationalizing of them seeing him everywhere was heartbreaking ;___; I just - I CAN'T OKAY. Also because short of Cas resurrecting Bobby again someway this is going to end in a weepfest however it goes and I'm not sure I can deal with it. Ugh, show, that's why I miss the Dean/Sam/Cas/Bobby show (WITH SUPPORTING PEOPLE WE KNEW), because the moment they're on, you become so much better. ;__;
And that's my two cents.
g. In short: episode wasn't bad and wasn't OMG THIS GOOD EITHER except that the last five minutes were worth the entirety of it. Those, Dean with the sword, Dean's face and the random sushi guy who has all my appreciation. And after this, please show, DON'T EVER MAKE DEAN TOUCH ALCOHOL AGAIN. Thank you.
2. Aaaand, vampire pornography!
b. First: Damon Salvatore, your hallucinations while you're bleeding out make me want to hug you.
c. Also: DAMON AND ALARIC I CAN'T YOU'RE TOO PERFECT. Damon being all like 'Elena you ARE NOT SEEING MY BOYFRIEND' at the beginning while they were all preparing the stakes inside was delicious. And the you're not going to turn yourself in thing. And OMG THE ENDIIING 'YOU HAVE A VAMPIRE HATING ALTER EGO THAT COULD POSSIBLY KILL MY BLOODLINE' OMG I CAN'T THE ANGST THE GLORIOUS ANGST.
d. Also: Caroline Forbes is flawless. Gosh, if everyone was like her. I loved that she was able to process the entire 'Alaric killed my dad' thing with some rationality and that instead of eating him she was that level-headed. When she said that maybe the guy she killed had a family too it was just - CAROLINE, THANK YOU. Mostly because she was mature enough to see the big picture, and vampires in this show aren't much famous for being able to look past their own small picture.
e. ... BONNIE LET ME HUG YOU ;__________; I'm sure everyone is hating on her because she didn't rescue Damon when she could, but cut her some slack. She was forced to break that spell after her mom got turned into a vampire and left her all over again, what was she supposed to do considering that Damon had been the one to turn her? You don't do rational in that kind of situation.
f. For some reason, I enjoyed Klaus kind of a lot this round. Who'd have known. That whole storyline with Finn and Sage could have been more drawn out - I mean am I supposed to buy they OMG LOVE EACH OTHER?, but whatever. I never watched this show for the plot anyway.
g. Okay. Uh. I have to confess that when Elena and Stefan had that scene towards the end where they Discussed Feelings.. I might have thought 'well, if this show gives me THIS every week, I can live with SPN withholding my ship from me for the next month or so'. PEOPLE SERIOUSLY SINCE WHEN DID I START SHIPPING THOSE TWO THIS MUCH? I can't - I might have wanted to cry there. OMG ELENA BEING LIKE I NEVER STOPPED LOVING YOU AND STEFAN'S FACE AND AAH OH MY GOD ;_______; I can't. All the feelings. And it makes me feel horrible for Damon because it's obvious that he loves Elena THAT much (I mean, who did he hallucinate when he was bleeding out?) and it's obvious that they're going to do more than randomly kiss before this season is over, but she said she doesn't know what she feels for him when she does know what she feels for his brother and - OH DAMN THAT'S HOW YOU DO TRIANGLES.
h. So hahahah now they can't kill originals because otherwise everyone that isn't human dies? Oops, that means that basically the only ones surviving are Matt and Bonnie? XDDD no seriously I can't wait to see how they work around THAT. Especially because it's not like they can kill Damon, Stefan and Caroline in one go since they're all from the same bloodline. :// And that said: can't all shows I watch take a page from the vampire porn and follow the NO FILLER rule? Because I can't remember this show having a filler episode in the last two seasons and it's so much fun and I enjoy it so much and tbh I can see why it's the only CW show that brings home the good ratings... *cough* that said omg this episode was excellent okay.
3. Also, meme from cassiopeia7! Beware: if Jane Austen is your favorite writer and Emma is your favorite book, just scroll when I discuss that.
1. Leave a comment to this post, specifically saying that you would like a letter. 2. I will give you a letter. 3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.
I got the letter E.
1. Eliot Rosewater, from God Bless You Mr. Rosewater and other assorted Vonnegut novels: I LOVE this man. To. Pieces. Probably unpopular opinion here, but God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater is my favorite Vonnegut book for a whole lot of reasons. But the main character is totally one. I utterly fell for this uber rich guy who gets the mad/crazy rep just because he's a kind person and who actually uses his money to help others instead of hoarding it for himself and who loves mediocre science fiction. I mean, guy has all the faults a a regular guy could have, but I can't help loving someone who risks getting declared clinically insane only because he's rich and wants to help others since he can.
2. Elvira, from Mozart's Don Giovanni: so, uh, this woman used to be my role model when I was seven. Deduce what you will from it. But seriously, apart from me being obsessed with her arias back then, I can't help admiring someone as stubborn as her because you have to possess some force of will to try so relentlessly to get back the guy you want and said guy is named Don Giovanni. Also to be honest I just wanted her to be happy because seriously, when the love of your life marries you, then dumps you, then you find out that you're the last of a list including hundreds, then he makes you believe that he wants you and instead sends you off with his servant and then he goes to hell, you really do deserve it. Clearly she never got to be happy but I still respect her a whole damn lot. I guess I'm just fascinated with her actions and the reasons driving her. And that said, she has some of the best music ever. Listen to that trio in the beginning of act two and tell me you aren't moved, I dare you. ;)
3. Eowyn, from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: oh, hi, my other role model. Having stated that in LOTR I was firmly on team men, while I was reading it I hadn't been expecting to find that many interesting female characters also considering what it was about - I mean seriously, in the books Arwen is there for like five pages. And then this FIERCE person happens, and it was love at first sight. I love everything about that woman. That she never let her gender stop her, that she totally went to war even if she was told to stay at home because she wanted it, that she SLEW A DARNED NAZGUL SHOUTING AT HIM THAT SHE WAS NO MAN and that after going through abject misery she ended up having the most touching love story in that darned book (seriously, Aragorn and Arwen WHO? Faramir and Eowyn were the real deal!), and then she got to be happy with someone who wanted her the way she was and OH GOSH MY FEELINGS. Not to mention that she chose it the same way she chose all of her previous action and no seriously, Eowyn was the best. End of story. (Not to mention that I always envied her a bit because Faramir was my favorite but seriously, my love. I rarely was so happy to see two people hook up.)
4. Emma Woodhouse, from Jane Austen's Emma: or, before I word vomit on my favorite person ever, get some word vomit about my least favorite. Or close to it, anyway. Premise: I generally dislike Jane Austen's books mostly because I really, really couldn't care less about more or less rich women who have to find a suitable husband, and I'm one of the three people on this planet who wouldn't want her own Darcy to sweep her off her feet (oh please NO), but ffs Emma Woodhouse? I threw that book against the wall at least three times. Point is, according to everyone I should appreciate her because hey, she's AN EMANCIPATED WOMAN. No. She's a prissy, spoiled kid who dove me crazy with all her idiotic meddling in others' affairs (seriously, if I had been her friend that she wanted to find a husband for I'd have punched her ten times) and who thought she was oh so much better than everyone, but other than that? She's the incarnation of all my problems with Austen in general, meaning that all of these supposedly emancipated woman who are oh so modern and oh so interesting always, ALWAYS, have an epiphany on the second to last chapter when they're like OMG I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THE GUY WHO'S BEEN OGLING ME SINCE PAGE TEN. Mr. Knightley wasn't even the worst of the bunch and you couldn't blame him for being totally patronizing with Emma since she's darned fucking patronizing with EVERYONE including him, but when at the end the 'oh I'm so NOT GETTING MARRIED AT ALL' heroine goes like '... BUT OMG I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM ALL ALONG, MR. KNIGHTLEY OH WILL YOU FORGIVE MY FOOLISHNESS AND LET'S GET MARRIED' I was about to cry. Obviously all these oh so modern women can't wait to fall into the arms of the guy who was meant for them/wanted to marry them! And gosh, I never sympathized much with Liz in P&P, but at least she wasn't a such an insufferable, smartass, patronizing spoiled girl. And don't give me the 'but Austen is sarcastic!' argument because a) I don't find her writing that sarcastic at all and b) it doesn't make Emma or the entire book more bearable.
5. Eddie Dean, from Stephen King's Dark Tower series: or, have my Favorite Person Ever. No, seriously, just to stay on topic with the previous point: why the heck should I want a Mr. Darcy when I can want an Eddie Dean? I fell for the guy pretty much three pages after he first showed up in book two, and that was before just when you knew that he had an idiotic brother and endless self-esteem issues. Then it turned out that he had the absolutely tasteless and questionable sense of humor that will win yours truly over at any time (I like tasteless humor, okay? If you want to make me fall at your feet, you have to throw clever and questionable jokes at me), that he had guts to sell (seriously, shooting at an entire room of gangsters while naked and while being a drug addict? DO WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT?!!!), that he could actually be pretty darned sweet and emphatic (seriously, when he and Susannah kissed for the first time I was dying of how darned NICE could someone be in that kind of situation), and I was gone. But the point is that he's the only normal person in the group of protagonists and the one who seemed less likely to accomplish shit, since apart from the drug addiction he had lived for years with people who convinced him that he wasn't much good for anything, and he's the one no one takes seriously because of the tasteless joking. And then not only he kind of becomes the glue of the group along the way, but he saves everyone's ass multiple times, overcomes all of his problems through trial and error and not magical happenings, shows everyone that he's actually pretty darned smart and he totally doesn't throw away his second chance. It was like 'hey, see that guy who you wouldn't have bet would do anything with his life? WELL LOOK AT THIS NOW.' And gosh the way he gets others, it gets to me xD It's just - Eddie Dean in my head is synonym for flawless human being. That's why he's actually my ideal guy - he was in a shitty situation and had a shitty life, and when realizing that he could do better than it, he sucked it up and DID better than it. This while cracking me up every couple of lines, except that after cracking you up he delivered that line that made you understand that he wasn't just an empty-headed kind-of-pretty face. The depths in which I love that fictional guy are scary, but it's also why I'll cry forever if they do a DT movie and fuck him up. Oh, and he's half of my First OTP That Will Always Be My Number One OTP (Roland/Eddie fyi, you have no idea how hard I ship it/shipped it. Dean/Cas comes close but R/E is still my favorite forever.)
... that was long. TLDR: this man is flawless and he's the best thing Stephen King ever came up with and if you have to read one thing by SK, read the darned Dark Tower.
4. GAME OF THRONES IS BACK TODAY! :DD or well, tomorrow for me, but OMG I CAN'T DEAL. Expect flailing posts at some point tomorrow afternoon. And after I ran into [this gif which was made from the last trailer] [I mean LOOK AT LORAS' FACE OMG AND HER FACE I CAN'T] I might have had an attack of utter, deep flail. Gosh, if that's in episode one and I really do watch it in the uni's courtyard no one is ever going to talk to me casually ever again because there'll be scary squeeing on my side. I can't waaait.
5. And after this word-vomiting post, I'll go and try to finish my 7x17 coda fic which I've started last week and whose ending I need to figure out. Or better, I need to figure out how to get to the ending in a way that I actually like. Hopefully it's going to happen before the hiatus is over...