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Comments 9

kros_21 October 22 2011, 23:12:03 UTC
funny episode even if honestly I don't understand what Dean is so upset, moody about. Sam seems to be better, they have no real urgent matter to deal with now, They are together. wtf? If all the problem is that monster who was friend with Sam.. well he could have thought about it earlier. bah!

And damn Dean talk!

Mo che succede, dovrà bere dalla fiaschetta ogni due minuti?


janie_tangerine October 23 2011, 11:39:34 UTC
is that monster who was friend with Sam.. well he could have thought about it earlier. bah!

Io ancora penso che sia la cosa più OOC che abbiano tirato fuori da... da niente, la cosa più OOC che gli abbiano fatto fare XD e minchia POTREBBE PURE DIRGLIELO X_____X


kel_reiley October 23 2011, 03:54:05 UTC
2. THIS. Although... I get why Dean hates witches so much. Uck.

3. I am a big Buffy fan, but I kinda feel the reunion could have been more epic. I dunno... something about James Marsters using his real accent as opposed to his fake British accent, it's just WEIRD.


5. Eh. They are building this up so much, it better be EPIC when it explodes ...and then everyone gets hugs.

6. My Sam love this season is skyrocketing! This is the Sam I want to see FOREVER. I like how he's all... well-adjusted with his fucked-up-ness and shit.

7. This is a problem I've had with this show since always. Dean fucking drinks and drives all the damn time.

8. I'm glad they are FINALLY making this an issue (b/c it has been for YEARS... just it seemed small to them compared to everything else) and I srsly hope they can, like, fix it.


I was kinda sad that Bobby wasn't in this episode AT ALL. I mean, not even his voice on the phone :(


janie_tangerine October 23 2011, 12:05:26 UTC
2. I know? BLEARGH. It's like, witches have a thing for extra gorey gore? *vomits* those so pretty cupcakes ;___;

3. Lol that part is totally lost on me too because what I've seen of Buffy I've seen actually on TV and everyone was dubbed, so I had no idea that Spike's accent was supposed to be Brit XD obviously I have serious holes in my TV knowledge...

4. .. if only they showed it for more than two seconds XD

5. If he has less than a nervous breakdown I shall be very displeased.


7. Yeah but this is a new level of bad :/ in the beginning he wasn't half as bad as this. And in S4/S5 he kept it more under control. Now it's really being worrying...

8. Or at least they might START TO DO SOMETHING because while I don't think it's getting properly fixed anytime soon he really needs to quit it..

9. It's on youtube! I don't have the link rn but I'm sure that I saw it linked around..

Yeah, same thing. :(


kel_reiley October 24 2011, 04:16:12 UTC
3. LOL! I do highly recommend watching Buffy, although the first couple season are cheesy and haven't aged well (I was 13 when the show started and watched it all through high school)

When James Marsters was on Torchwood, he also had a fake British accent. Hearing his real accent is just bizarre to me.

6. This is the Sam I wanted from the beginning. Baby bro finally grew up.

8. Yeah... I think Dean is going to have some type of serious non-supernatural (at least not completely) related accident or something. Boy's gonna fuck himself all up.

9. I will have to look for it!


ozmissage October 23 2011, 20:13:21 UTC
My only real complaint was I wanted more of the Starks on my television screen. As a Buffy geek, seeing "Cordy" and "Spike" married delighted me. <3

Also: why the fuck is Sam letting Dean drive? WHY?

THANK YOU. Dude should not be driving anywhere.

Also, SAMMY. After spending so many episodes with pod!Sam last season, I'm downright giddy this year.

ETA: Sorry about all the edits, I can't type today.


janie_tangerine October 24 2011, 16:26:13 UTC
They were SO awesome, weren't they? :DDD

I KNOW. UGH. Granted he's always done it, but right now he isn't in ANY condition to even be behind a wheel..

I CAN SO BELIEVE IT. ;) Sam, let me love you so hard. After you of course. ;)


cassiopeia7 October 24 2011, 03:27:04 UTC
Sam Winchester, your last speech was everything I've been wanting to hear since this season started. THANK YOU. My Sam love this season is skyrocketing.

This, so much! I'm so totally loving Sam this season!

why the fuck is Sam letting Dean drive? WHY?

*sigh* This. Dean should not be driving. Of course, I suspect that, if Sam tried to stop Dean, or god forbid, take the Impala's keys away, there would be an all-out battle . . . but then again, Sam is lots bigger and Dean is drunk. ;)

That said, I am incredibly angry with Dean. I love him, but the boy needs to open his stubborn mouth and TALK to Sam.

And I miss Cas.

You and me both.


janie_tangerine October 24 2011, 16:28:35 UTC
I know? Sam is making me so happy. His brother, on the other side, is worrying me to pieces....

Lol, Sam has no excuse. He'd totally win that battle. And he needs to hide the keys or something, Dean has no business doing anything that might get the both of them killed again... and yeah, he has to TALK. Like, soon.

*sigh* *waits* *still not believing he's dead*


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