supernatural 7x05 'shut up dr phil'

Oct 22, 2011 13:55

1. Lololol Sam used agent Sambora for an alias. SAM ILU AND YOUR BON JOVI APPRECIATION. I knew there was a reason why I never disliked you. *high five*

2. ... dear show, please don't do a witch episode ever again or for the next four seasons if you get them. Last one had me throwing up, THIS one... UUUGH THE HEARTS IN THE CUPCAKEEESSSS I WAS ABOUT TO VOMIT.

3. Having been the one person on this planet who never followed Buffy specifically (I mean, I've watched it VERY VERY casually and I know who's who but that's it) I probably missed the awesome about the small reunion, but nonetheless it was so very amusing.

Also srsly when they were arguing their hearts out and Dean & Sam were trying to get into it and THEY KEPT ON THROWING THEM AGAINST WALLS XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD sorry, Winchesters, but seeing you so thoroughly pwned was sort of so very funny. Also lol Sam totally shipped them. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

4. Nice to see that Dean IS thinking about Cas.....

5. ... and not so nice to see that HE'S STILL NOT SAYING SHIT. UGH. If it ends like in S2 where we have to wait until episode nine for him to unload... also in S2 it was good because a) WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HE WAS FEELING GUILTY ABOUT and b) IT HADN'T BEEN OVERDONE. Please please PLEASE let this end SHORTLY. It's really the one thing that's bugging me to no end. No. End.

6. Sam Winchester, your last speech was everything I've been wanting to hear since this season started. THANK YOU. My Sam love this season is skyrocketing.

7. Also: why the fuck is Sam letting Dean drive? WHY?

8. Serious: if Dean is at the point where he's drinking like a maniac and HE ISN'T EVEN DRUNK/DOESN'T EVEN LOOK DRUNK (more or less like someone who was in class with me in high school and smoked three packets of cigarettes each day - after two years of that he didn't even smell like smoke/cigarettes whenever he smoked one) it means that he needs to go to AA NOW. Or that someone has to find some way to bring Cas back for real because either he gets a miracle intervention or his liver is gonna shut down before this season is over. I like that they're addressing the problem/not letting it go, but he's brought it far enough already...

9. Also: Jared tweeting the uncut version of the opening scene meant that in comparison the real one was so tame. That original one was hilarious! Why didn't they keep it? Sigh.

10. LOL at Don saving the day and their asses and pwning the Leviathan. I think that one of them needs to get into witchcraft soon..


11. Wtf was that Leviathan listening to anyway? It sounded ridic. cheesy. Between liking Dr. Sexy and that, these things don't seem to have that great taste... *shudders*

12. Mh I don't really have much more to share. It was a fun ep, eons better than three and def. more entertaining than four. And it didn't have all the things that I disliked in four. I could have done without the cupcakes. And I'm totally excited to see where they bring the Leviathans thing.

And I miss Cas.

Sorry, you don't get out of that. XD I like, but I still miss. :(

supernatural season 7 review

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