birthdays + omg a real entry!! (plus TV talking)

Oct 06, 2011 22:17

1. Happy late birthday to jaydblu! :D I hope you had an amazing day and that next year brings awesome/nice things all the way. ♥

2. So, classes have started which is why I've been scarce. Thankfully this round I actually give a shit about four classes on four rather than one on three, so maybe this semester won't be the complete drag that last semester was. Also none of my current teachers is an idiot, which is definitely a plus. Now I just need to get through a will-be-not-nice session at the university office if they have to bitch about what I need to put on my study plan. Hopefully I won't end up on the newspaper for strangling the employees. (Also, in my university the office supposed to deal with students is now open TWICE each week, three hours each, and none of these is in the afternoon. At times I think I should have done university abroad entirely.)

3. TV talking under the cut! Or well, what TV I've seen that isn't the vampire porn or SPN. Also: the bit about H50 isn't exactly flattering and there's talking of possibly triggering subjects.

a) Ringer: .... seriously? It's established that the one reason I watch this show is Nestor Carbonell's eyelashes, but it's becoming the for-laughs show of the moment. Until Chuck comes back at least. It's just so involuntarily funny that I can't help it. It's totally ridiculous that no one has even suspect that it's Bridget posing as Siobhan and that for someone to find out, SHE had to go tell her. Considering all the red herrings that she's throwing around. Not to mention that the more Bridget acts on things the more I have to wonder how the heck she can keep the act up, considering that she's doing DUMB STUFF EVERY TEN SECONDS.. Also: while I don't take this show anywhere near seriously to actually give a damn about what happens, I'm starting to have problems with Bridget's attitude regarding her sponsor guy. Sorry, but first she clues him in, then they agree to run, then she bails out on him WITH A VOICE MAIL, then he doesn't call you back, then YOU LEAVE HIM ANOTHER VOICE MAIL and poof, apparently she has better things to think about? While she KNOWS that there's a dangerous guy after her that might actually KNOW? Well, audience knows since we saw what's going on, but seriously, I'm baffled that she isn't even trying to track him down harder. So: for now the eyelashes are enough to hold my interest, but either this becomes good or it's getting dropped first when I need to drop something.

b) H50: what the hell was last episode? The first fifteen minutes could do, the rest... what. Seriously - the premiere was exactly the usual style, and the second ep wasn't as good but it was enjoyable/delivered the ridiculous fun and the pretty, but this one? Seriously? First: what the fuck is going on with Kono? I'd hope that she's undercover, but if she is it was written horribly and having Chin seemingly being the only one giving a shit is a problem. Second: that whole speech along the lines of 'dead guy was a SEAL and he was a real man so he couldn't possibly have killed himself!' rubbed me in ways that were all wrong. About that: it totally doesn't put into account that veterans/soldiers actually DO kill themselves, and it gives this idea that only supposedly weak people kill themselves, or that being a tough soldier means that you're somehow above killing yourself. Which... sorry but that seems out of the first part of Full Metal Jacket. And I don't have to like it one bit - suicide is a serious thing, you might want to tackle the subject with more delicacy. But apart from that, the biggest wtf was that scene at the end. I don't know what I was supposed to feel about watching SEALs shoot people in what looked like a shady operation at best, but I felt mostly disturbed and not at all comfortable with it. Not being from the US I don't even feel okay going into specifics in here, but: I don't appreciate that kind of scene put in a context where only two people in that entire room (Danny/Lori) looked not exactly hyped, and I don't appreciate when it's implied that I should cheer/be glad to see that. At this point it makes me forego stuff which is totally OOC writing (IE Steve going ballistic and Danny having marriage related bitching at this point), or Max having the potential to be more than comic relief. That stated: I watch this show because of the pretty, because of the team dynamic and because in spite of being unrealistic it had great character writing and I never asked for it to be the new Six Feet Under. But geez, last season in that episode with Adam Beach they actually did it right/decent. Summary: the one thing that I liked in this episode was Danny snarking about the Beatles, plus the total Lost homage at the beginning (and the traps in the jungle). It isn't a compliment. Really, show, get your shit together and do right what you were doing right. I'm not at the levels of anger I was during Heroes S3 aka the one time I quit a show, but seriously. Show. Get. Your. Shit. Together.

c) Boardwalk Empire: observation that is possibly good and sad at the same time: the last fifteen minutes of BE episode two were better than all the Ringer ones and the three H50 ones aired this season put together. I guess that it's not a compliment for those other two, but whatever. Being strictly about BE: I like that they aren't having a Bunch Of Things Happening In The First Two Episodes but rather a couple important ones happening each ep - I like the pacing a lot. 2x01 was a pretty good opener - it also confirmed that Van Alden is the kind of character I'll never like because he's a lousy hypocrite. It also confirmed that I still don't know whether I like Jimmy or whether I want to slap him. Everything needs more Richard, but I'm loving Chalky's parts. The prison stuff in 2x02 was probably my favorite out of the entire two eps yet, but I also like that Nucky isn't unchallenged and that he has people turning on him. Spices things up. (Technically speaking I loved the montage of him talking to the black people about punishing the KKK and then saying the contrary to the white people - yeah, I like shows that make you see how dirty politics can get.) Also: Margaret is awesome and she'll outsmart everyone. The ending of episode two was glorious, in that sense. I still don't know what I think of the Irish/UK people introduced in ep. two but we'll see. Chalky keeps on being my favorite part of the entire thing but really, every minute of this show is worth entire episodes of others. Also because it's actually accurate and when it makes me want to throw up (IE that scene in ep 1 with the KKK going for Chalky's place) it does it a) justifying a scene's presence in said episode, b) no one actually present in that scene is doing the running commentary for me. Now just have Margaret start running things in the household for real.

4. Meanwhile, out of utter curiosity (and because it was short) I went and downloaded/watched New Amsterdam. What's sad: the eight episodes of that show are better than half of the new shows I checked out. *facepalm* It was lovely. And I obviously need to catch up with things either till airing or wrapped up, not things that were canceled without an ending ages ago.

5. I signed up for mini_nanowrimo again, in hopes that during November I manage to finish stuff. Last year it was awesome and being forced to write daily is a good thing, so I'll give it another go. One of these years I'll do the regular Nanowrimo again but it'll be when I'm done with classes forever.

6. Sadly, the exciting news are done for now. But hey, why not a meme? Stolen from elliotsmelliot and mollivanders: give me a book/show/movie and I'll answer with:

+ Favorite episode(s)
+ Favourite character(s)
+ Favorite villain(s)
+ Favorite Ship(s)
+ Favorite growth arcs
+ Best portrayal overall
+ Favorite quote

tv shows, meme, hawaii five-0 has text and not subtext, the random post, personal, boardwalk empire is awesome, writing, birthday, stuff, university

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