stuff + moar on that game of thrones thing

Jul 05, 2011 01:32

1. So, second final went exactly opposite first final, which means that I couldn't have aced it more if I tried. Now if the third goes as the second, it might be awesome ( Read more... )

i am way crazy, university, books, a song of ice and fire

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zelda_zee July 11 2011, 15:11:46 UTC
I had to go back and read your ASOIF reactions!

FYI, there is no fic because GRRM is one of those fic-hating authors and so people don't write fic about his books out of respect for his wishes.

Now that the HBO series has aired though, there is a kink meme based on that: Series based only, no book canon.

I really disliked Theon in this book, which sucked because he had not been a bad character in GoT. He stuck by Robb, had decent relationships with the Starks. Sure, he was resentful and self-serving, but the twist he underwent in CoK bummed me out.

I feel exactly the same about Cersei. I find her pretty one-dimensional and therefore boring, most of the time.

I agree about Sansa/The Hound. Now there was a ship with potential!

Of course, none of your questions will be answered in ways that you like and none of the storylines will go where you expect them to go. Such the way with these books.

I have Dance with Dragons pre-ordered on Amazon. There was no way I could wait for paperback!


janie_tangerine July 11 2011, 15:24:02 UTC
My reactions are strong ones! ;)

I knew re the GRRM being anti-fic thing, so I figured I could look on the only show-related one I found. (and thanks for the show kink meme link! *goes to look without shame*) Then I searched around bit and found some book-based stuff - it's mostly in locked comms though, or in locked posts in comms whose name isn't ASOIF based, but I totally understand it. It's not even that much but there's enough for the two ships I ship so I'm not complaining. My quibbles about that particular pairing is just that there's none of that in the show-based comm I followed and in the locked ones either. :(( I think they're adorable but apparently no one goes there. :(

I didn't dislike Theon that much at first either even if he did seem like a bit of a dick. Then... yeah.

Oh, one-dimensional, that's exactly the word I was searching for! I don't mind them being questionable people, but the one-dimensional thing, I can't get over it. Pity because she has potential but... boring.

Sansa/Hound was great! And well, her misremembering that he kissed her at some point later was also... uuuh. Well, not bad if you shipped it. ;)

One book later, I got one answered! [two if we count that in SOS two people I loathed bit it. We can make it three, actually.] Well, good enough I guess. But from what I gather there's no Osha and Rickon in book four either and that kind of baffles me. I'm not particularly attached to either but one would think that they'd be important enough not to randomly have them going off, right?

I think I'll buy it too. I know I won't be able to stop myself. I'm trying to find a way to pay it less than thirty euros though.


zelda_zee July 11 2011, 15:37:56 UTC
Yeah, Rickon just disappears. I could imagine that he's just lost and never heard from again, but I hope that's not the case. Ditto, Benjen Stark. I want to know what happened to him!

Have you met my huge ASOIF crush yet? The totally fierce, hotass, bisexual Red Viper? I can't recall if he's in SoS or FoC, but he's totally my crush - I'd ship him with anyone. If I was gonna write fic, it'd be Oberyn/Jaime. I can totally imagine a story for them.

Jaime got more interesting to me as time went on, though I never developed the affection for him that a lot of people seem to have. Like you with Catelyn and Jon, I have never been able to forgive Jaime for what he did to Bran - and I don't think I ever will. He has been through the wringer though and I am intrigued by what will happen to him now that he's lost his ability to fight and his relationship with his horrid sister. He has potential to develop, I think, if he lives long enough.

Which, as you know is a big 'if' in these books!


janie_tangerine July 11 2011, 15:51:31 UTC
That sounds weird O__o I mean, I get that there's a ton of people, but come on. Kid's a Stark! He has a direwolf! I can't help thinking that it's kind of a big thing to overlook. And WORD re Benjen Stark! A friend of mine has a theory that he's Coldhands. Could work. And would be interesting. But yeah, where the heck is he?

OH YES I DID! And Jaime/Oberyn would be GLORIOUS. Ohmygod it's such a delicious image, and yes, Oberyn was just totally and absolutely amazing. And fierce. And very shippable!

I think I got sortofmostly over the Jon thing with Cat by SOS, or at least I enjoyed her POVs enough even if I never really forgot that - and didn't appreciate her thoughts re Robb saying Jon should inherit. Then eeeeh. I'm not sure I like the last incarnation though... and regarding Jaime, I do like him a lot (surely over his siter!) an I guess I just have a thing for charming bastards with a sense of humor, though I prefer him a lot after he loses the hand. (It also is that I loved his bantering/moments with Brienne and kind of really ship it, but that's beyond the point.) Also I don't approve of him dropping Bran out of the window, but I think I can get over it - mostly because I realized that someone in the Dark Tower did the same thing (and it was a bit worse for a number of reasons, though it wasn't with the same consequences) and I did let that one go. And yeah, WORD re the loss of his horrid sister. I'm really excited to see where it goes. :D But I totally get not being over it - the window-dropping was horrid.

And hahahaha indeed! I can only hope he survives because the redemptive death would be the obvious course. ;)


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