stuff + moar on that game of thrones thing

Jul 05, 2011 01:32

1. So, second final went exactly opposite first final, which means that I couldn't have aced it more if I tried. Now if the third goes as the second, it might be awesome.

2. I'm seeing Bon Jovi in two weeks. ITEM ONE FROM MY BUCKET LIST ABOUT TO BE CROSSED. :DDD

3. Now, since I'm having finals I'm like, I shouldn't watch TV. Which doesn't mean I haven't seen Leverage, which is damn good to have back. Also, summer show! It's nice to have something to look forward during the summer. The premiere was lovely for team interactions, but I didn't exactly got involved in the scam. This week was good even if not awesomeness level, but I liked the whole set up a lot. Which also means that my icon doesn't mean that I actually watched Game of Thrones - will do that after finals because it needs my full attention.

3. BUT, since I couldn't resist and I needed a break, I spent the weekend reading A Clash of Kings.

The good

- JON! <3333333333 aw, will that poor boy ever have something going his way? ;____; it takes him two books to get nicely settled at the wall and NOW HE'S TORN AWAY FROM IT? :(((((

by the way, I still ship Jon/Sam like burning. Just. HOW SO ADORABLE. Sam's mancrush on Jon is so ridiculous it makes me weep in joy. Seriously, WHY NO FIC AROUND PEOPLE? WHYYY.

Now I just want to see how the heck GRRM deals with his storyline. Oh Jon. <33

- Tyrion! Yeah, another one who could have something nice going his way. He's totally my favorite Lannister by the way. I mostly like that he schemes but in a way that doesn't make you want to shoot him. Also oh dear now he's half-scarred? Like he needed it. Anyway, every chapter of his was so glorious I could weep.

- Sansa. I wasn't that sold on the first book but poor girl. She won me over. Also I have to respect her for surviving that long in that nest of vipers. (and for not spitting in Joffrey's face.)

Also, dear moral compass, you're fucked. I ship Sansa/Hound with the force of a whole lot of things. Every time they have a scene I'm like THIS SHIP IS SO GLORIOUS I COULD WEEP. Also I foresee that her escape plan isn't ever going to work, but one hopes. Arya was also awesome. I love that girl. And seriously, she might be ten but she's tough. Also Arya/Gendry = match made in heaven?

- STARKS IN GENERAL. Okay, could do without Rickon, but then again he's a kid, whatever. I kinda like Bran's storyline. I want to see where it goes. Also if GRRM ever kills Hodor I'll weep.

- The magic trinity of the new people: Davos/Brienne/Asha. I love the three of them but I think that Asha is my favorite. That girl is as fierce as her brother isn't, but this doesn't belong here. Brienne is badass. And Davos has BRAINS. Which is more than enough for me to like you. I'd also like Stannis but until he gets rid of his lovely priestess... also he's MIA right? I doubt he'd die now.

- Catelyn... more or less. Or at least, I'm still not over Jon, but I learned to like her. She has guts, nothing to say about that.

- Jaime. Who was in there for like twenty pages, but he was awesome. Or better: he wasn't AWESOME per se, but I just really like that he owns to what he does. I like that he's all like 'yeah, I pushed your kid off the window because he saw me fucking my sister' but that he doesn't even want to deny it at the same time. I like charming bastards who own their actions, I guess. Also errr I'm spoiled for one thing and I guess I know how it happens now...

- DAENERYS. YOU'RE AMAZING. END OF STORY. Also I apparently like all the people whose name ends with Mormont in these books. Alllriiight.


The bad


- Dear Cersei: I don't get you. There are times when you CAN be interesting (IE when she had that conversation with Sansa during the battle and said a lot of true things about how well you fare in that society if you're a woman), but most of the times she's there scheming (badly - because Tyrion spent the entire book outscheming her), slapping people and making me want to at least appreciate her but I can't. I mean, idek but 80% of the time she's the flattest main character of this entire thing and the remaining 20% she's actually interesting. DECIDE, GIRL. I can appreciate morally gray people, but being all like 'MY KID IS AWESOME *SLAPSLAP* doesn't make me want to try.


WINTERFEEEELLLL. ;__________________________; I cried a bit at the end. I just - I'M TEAM STARK ALL THE WAY OKAY, THAT HURT. The idea that Ned might not even get buried there... ;_________________;

- Melisandre: dear girl, I won't weep a single tear if you go away. Without any thanks, me.

The Ugly

- .... Theon, seriously? Just, really? I hope that he's dead. Is he dead? Because if he isn't and I have to stand through another book of his stupid POVs centered around what's in his legs I'll want to strangle something. Such a prissy little stupid jerk. HOW DID HE EVEN - WINTERFELL. I'M NEVER FORGIVING HIM. His sister is awesome though. Only redeeming feature. Such a stupid - and when it actually looked like Bran and Rickon were killed I felt bile for a second before remembering that in these cases if you don't see the body it didn't happen. ETA: I take this back entirely. In light of a subsequent book an in light of the fact that when I read ACOK I went through it in basically three days and missed half of the implied things, I'm covering my head with ash and formerly ask forgiveness. I had totally missed the point of everything he does in that book. And if I had to write this review today it'd be along pretty much opposite lines, disregard everything I said about disliking Theon or him deserving horrible things.

- Okay, this isn't exactly THE UGLY but I didn't know where to put it. WTF is that with people seeing Renly beating Stannis when it was The Other Lannister With A Brain, as I call Tywin? I mean, collective hallucination? Is that explained? Is that a spoiler so I shouldn't even ask? Wth?

- Joffrey has to go. SOMETIME SOON. Possibly with Robb beheading him. Such a little stupid psycho. There's a reason I grew a respect for Sansa. And there's a reason that the bit where Tyrion slapped him so hard that the crown flew from his head was the most satisfying single line in this book. xD between him and Theon I was almost missing Viserys. Aaaah well.

- Stannis' wife. Uuugh. Can she just go along with Lysa and her creepy whiny kid?

What I really want to know:

- Will we ever learn what happened to Ben Stark? And if yes, can he please command the zombie army? (yeaaaah, right. Though really if you read through the entire thing just tell me yes or no, lol.)

- Is Jon ever getting out of the hole he's in? And most of all, will I get my ship back in the same place at some point soon?

- I've been told a bunch of times that next book will probably make me want to throw it against a wall and stop getting attached to anyone. Fair enough, even if I think I like enough people that even if next round is a bloodbath SOMEONE I like is going to survive. Is someone that I'd really like to go going, at least?

- Bran, what's gonna happen with you? Mostly, Osha going with Rickon means that I finally get Osha POVs (because she's awesome), that I get Rickon POVs (which I could do without) or that they disappear until book four (and well, if it means I get some Robb back I won't be the one to complain)?

- When I'm finished with this, will I actually spend 30 euros to get book five or will I manage to wait until the paperback is out?

I fear I won't like the answer to each question in half of the cases. But damn this thing IS awesome.

4. There might be fic coming sometime tomorrow. Maybe. If I can edit some things. Hopefully I will. Also it took me half an hour to write all that ASOIF stuff, which means it's 1.30 AM, which means the rest I had planned for this entry will be in the next one because I can barely see straight after reading, uuuhm, like, 600 pages in ten hours. I take my reading very seriously, don't I.

i am way crazy, university, books, a song of ice and fire

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