please let me flail for a moment here. everything is politics and beautiful and nothing hurts.

May 30, 2011 18:16

So the definitive results for administrative elections that were happening in the country this month are in.

B/the PM's party managed to lose in 85% of the places. AND IN HIS HOMETOWN. AND IN THE TOWN HE ACTUALLY RESIDES IN. In his hometown his side had been governing for.. way too much time. And the last time they had two turns (which they didn't win anyway) was in 1991. And in Naples they lost so hard that I had to pinch myself because I was sure I was dreaming.

My face for the last three hours was like this:

I mean. I just. It wasn't even my city but it's such a sign that I can't help the perpetual grinning. And sorry but I've been politically frustrated since I could vote and every-damn-time in which there were elections my side never really managed to win so blatantly. (Heck, there's a reason why B.'s still there.)

I'm just. I know how awesome it feels to feel good because of politics. Brb savoring the sensation and not envying everyone else anymore. If this ends up being the starting point to send B. away for good I'll be a happy person for real. And this after this week he said that if you vote left wing you're brainless. (Seriously.) Well. Get this. *flails some more* *would open up expensive alcohol if she had any*

Okay, that's it. Sorry, I'll be checking the news and flailing like a mad thing while grinning at the same time.

squee, i can't believe this shit, politics, omg, oh my flying spaghetti monster, my country isn't just insane at times

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