a Darth Vader icon would be ideal, but I don't have any so there's the next best one.

May 28, 2011 22:56

Or, I went darkside (or better, space_dementia6 pushed me to go darkside - whatever. Anakin Skywalker, if only you weren't Hayden Christensen I'd have a renewed appreciation for you. Also go check out this lovely place which Chris came up with, where I should go write some stuff as well.). And I got myself a tumblr. *facepalm* for now I'm mostly reblogging and liking and being like 'oh dear I don't get this' but whatever, if you're on there and you're on my fl I want to follow you so spill your names. ;) I'm janiedean as usual. And I'll now be done with spamming your flists for the day and go back to doing random stuff.

Also, this icon feels quite appropriate. Spaceballs is always relevant, it is.

wtf am i doing, i am way crazy

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