dear RL, you're disappointing me. and other things.

Apr 21, 2011 11:55

1. Hiiii. I haven't posted a real update in ages. What news. Though I guess it can be blamed on convention aftermath. Anyway you mught see me commenting randomly late on some stuff of yours in the Easter weekend or so, mostly because I'll have downtime and I'll be at grandparents' with nothing to do except headdesking over university related drama.

2. Regarding that drama, which is about the group project I was talking about last month: So the thing was, people had to volunteer in order to talk about ten different articles published on a companion. Some articles - like the one I volunteered for - required two people, and until the Tuesday before the convention no one had volunteered. On that Friday I obviously didn't go because of said convention (and it was a very wise decision). On the next Tuesday, I'm informed that apparently no one else stepped forward and so I have to do this directly with my professor. I don't want to know how it went on. Best that I don't. So after a minor freak-out I'm like fine, more opportunities to work with someone who knows stuff, and I have until May 13th so I can do this properly. Except that last Tuesday this girl supposed to be on May 3rd suddenly says that she has to go on vacation. Right. With dates set for one month. So the two people on May 6th get asked if they can do it three days earlier. Answer: 'but the whole project would turn out less good'. For THREE DAYS. Right. Guess what?

I'm now supposed to do this crap on May 3rd. And I was idiot enough to say yes, but I hadn't realized that there was Easter break in between so that leaves me ONE day to talk with my teacher and I need to do all the rest via e-mail. Clearly my work doesn't suffer, if I have ten days less, does it? And to top it all off, during the next lesson it turns out that the girl who was supposed to go on vacation on the third NOW will be doing two articles instead of one. I suppose that having ten days more will give you time to do it and look like an overachiever, right?

Yes, if it doesn't show I'm still totally wanting to kill everyone in that class. And maybe I doth protest too much but I can't help feeling like no one gives a shit about the fact that I'm getting too many short straws. Argh. There's a reason I hate group work and I never volunteer for anything. And me thinking I'd either meet someone or put some nice references for when I actually have to do the master's degree thesis. Now I just feel like it'll be a miracle if the whole thing doesn't turn out half-assed because I had to do it in five days and not in two weeks. And thanks to this I've been in a total bitchy mood since it started. It's not really good also because I don't like to snap at people not having anything to do with it. /rant

3. And being half-down because of point 2 is probably the reason I went and signed up for dc_everafter even if I had swore I wasn't going to do more than two fic challenges this year. But The Apartment was up for grabs and I couldn't resist. Now I just need to finish my spn_j2_bigbang which turned out being NOT anything I had thought up at the beginning, but thankfully I should be able to finish somewhere between 20000 and 25000 words so I can totally make it before May 1st. And I'm probably saving the Regency AU for the D/C bigbang since I'd have all summer to write it. Or most of the summer. Planning fic is way funnier than dealing with university, oh yes.

4. In better news, at least Jus in Bello 3 is a go, which means another year of obsessively saving money. But I had so much fun again this year that I don't think I can quit it yet. Though I'm very happy they are waiting for Easter holidays to be done before selling tickets as I might come up with some extra money before the end of the month. *hopes* and there's the SPN wester ep to look forward to! Hoping I can download it at the grandparents'. Mmh.

5. In worse news, local politics are making me want to smite myself. Anytime I hear some people in high positions saying that we should get out of the EU I want to start headdesking, and every time I read reports of what's coming out of my PM's trial I feel like there should be a warning for possible triggering material.

6. Aaand RL news is sadly over. And I sadly don't have anything to lighten up this post further. Next post I'm doing a picspams of Misha close-ups or something like that just to have some pretty to look at. That said uh, hi new friends? If I know you and I friended you back then welcome and sorry for the gloomy post you get, if I don't know you and I didn't friend back, should I? Drop me a line? I don't bite, really.

7. Well, okay, I was linked this last day in the midst of a Very Interesting Discussion and since I want to pretty this entry up, have a random Misha close up. I have no idea of the credit or who took this shot but damn I could stare at his face forever. Right, now I feel way nicer just for having stared at it.

stuff, why yes i'm whining, personal, misha collins is too awesome for us, university, rant, writing

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