this entry is just an excuse.

Mar 21, 2011 16:01

Or, I changed my layout for the first time in like six months (or changed it so that it isn't a variation on the same theme) and I wanted to post something, and there are memes around so why the heck not.

Icon meme! From crickets and a couple others.


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stuff, meme, beta request, the random post, icons, layout, books

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Comments 17

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janie_tangerine March 23 2011, 12:00:32 UTC
Thanks! I really liked how neat the layout was. And ha, showing off pretty icons is always a good thing, y/y?


cassiopeia7 March 21 2011, 16:51:53 UTC
Wow, I thought I was in the wrong place for a second there. I like the new look, though! I'll have to steal some of those memes, too. :)

Still looking for a beta?


janie_tangerine March 21 2011, 16:54:38 UTC
I've practically spent one year with the same layout so I wanted a change. ;) Glad you like it!

And yeeeaaah, still totally looking for one! If you don't have issues with one person dying then you'd probably kind of save my beta-ing life here. ;)


cassiopeia7 March 21 2011, 17:00:51 UTC
Why, then, you have a beta! I've got no issues with dying, so we're okay there. What's the word count and when do you need it back? :)

ETA: I just e-mailed you. *is excited*


crickets March 21 2011, 18:29:52 UTC
My favorites are your best text, and best-non-fandom. Your best text is like the only keep calm and carry on riff that I find remotely funny. All the other ones bug me. (Random pet peeve much?)

I don't even wanna think about how many of those books I have NOT read. Haha.


janie_tangerine March 23 2011, 12:04:57 UTC
I know? I'm not much of a fan of the keep calm icons either but that one is hilarious. XD and the psycho fanfic was a touch of genius, I had to have it. ;)


gottalovev March 22 2011, 15:27:14 UTC
as you saw, I stole the icon meme... I love those things! and icons are pretty, so showing them off is always nice. you always have great ones =D


janie_tangerine March 23 2011, 12:09:44 UTC
I thought you might like this meme ;) thank you! I love those little things as well.


siluria March 22 2011, 21:26:15 UTC
Love the layout, it's so pretty and neat!! Your icons are very pretty too.


janie_tangerine March 23 2011, 12:10:35 UTC
Thanks so very much! :D And yeah I loved the layout just because it was so neat but pretty at the same time.


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