this entry is just an excuse.

Mar 21, 2011 16:01

Or, I changed my layout for the first time in like six months (or changed it so that it isn't a variation on the same theme) and I wanted to post something, and there are memes around so why the heck not.

Icon meme! From crickets and a couple others.


Default IconOldest IconNewest IconHappiest IconSaddest Icon

Angriest IconCutest IconSexiest IconFunniest IconCleverest Icon

Prettiest IconSilliest IconFlashiest IconFlailiest IconBest WTF Icon

Best LOL IconBest Text IconBest Art IconBest Stock IconBest Cropped

Best Animated
Best B/W Icon
Best Coloured

Favourite Shippy
Favourite Single
Character Icon


Favourite Celeb
Favourite Fandom
IconFavourite Non-
Fandom IconMost used Icon
(Not your default)Favourite Icon

* I'd just like to state that the favorite shippy icon is both Dean/Cas and Roland/Eddie, so it's worth for two ships. ;)

How many icons do you have total? 155

How many can you have? 165

If you could buy space for more, would you? ... I already have enough, don't tempt me. XD

Do your icons make a statement about you? ... yes. Especially that I like pink and Springsteen and Boone and Misha and Dean/Castiel.

What fandom do you have the most icons out of? either Lost or SPN, I didn't stop to count.

The second most? Whichever wasn't the one I have the most icons of. If you want a third, probably the vampire porn, but in comparison to the other two it's tiny.

What ship do you have the most icons out of? hahaha Dean/Castiel. Jack/Boone follows closely.

Break down your icons for us. mostly fandom, some movies, enough text, a lot of pink, too many Springsteen quotes.

How do you categorize your icons? fandom --> character/ship, when I have more than one icon for said fandom. If not I'll just put a name. Same for people, even though the Springsteen lyrics are under bruce springsteen.

Are your icons mostly made by other users? half by me and half by other people I think.

Animated icons are... I like them but I don't use many.

I tag: whoever wants to!

Want to try? Code!


Default IconOldest IconNewest IconHappiest IconSaddest Icon
Angriest IconCutest IconSexiest IconFunniest IconCleverest Icon
Prettiest IconSilliest IconFlashiest IconFlailiest IconBest WTF Icon
Best LOL IconBest Text IconBest Art IconBest Stock IconBest Cropped

Best Animated

Best B/W Icon

Best Coloured

Favourite Shippy

Favourite Single
Character Icon

Favourite Celeb

Favourite Fandom
Favourite Non-
Fandom Icon
Most used Icon
(Not your default)
Favourite Icon

How many icons do you have total?

How many can you have?

If you could buy space for more, would you?

Do your icons make a statement about you?

What fandom do you have the most icons out of?

The second most?

What ship do you have the most icons out of?

Break down your icons for us.

How do you categorize your icons?

Are your icons mostly made by other users?

Animated icons are...

I tag: , , , and .

Aaaand then, book meme from pnr: In this blog post, Ebert links to a cloud of book titles first assembled in an article in The Guardian that shows the most-mentioned titles culled from a variety of book polls and reading lists. A sort of "consensus" reading list, if you will.

Bolding the ones I've read
Italicizing the ones I've started but not finished.

All Quiet on the Western Front
Anne of Green Gables
Emma (this made the list? Too bad. *hates*)
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Jungle
Of Mice and Men ♥
Lonesome Dove
Life of Pi
Madame Bovary
A Clockwork Orange
Midnight's Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Time Traveler's Wife
Wuthering Heights ♥ ♥
Of Human Bondage
Remembrance of Things Past
The Road ♥
East of Eden ♥
Fahrenheit 451 ♥
The Little Prince
The Fountainhead
The Stranger
Sense and Sensibility (blaaaargh. Same opinion as Emma..)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Love in the Time of Cholera
Lord of the Flies
On the Road
The Kite Runner
The Bell Jar
The Remains of the Day
The Handmaid's Tale ♥
Invisible Man
His Dark Materials
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Leopard
Winnie the Pooh
The Sound and the Fury
The Name of the Rose ♥
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Little Women
A Thousand Splendid Suns
The Three Musketeers ♥♥♥
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ♥
1984 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Lord of the Rings
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Old Man and the Sea
The Scarlet Letter
Blood Meridian
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ♥
The Master and Margarita
War and Peace (... someday I will)
The Color Purple
The Chronicles of Narnia
Lolita ♥♥♥
The Glass Bead Game
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Harry Potter
Vanity Fair
Brave New World
A Confederacy of Dunces
Tess of the D'Ubervilles
Crime and Punishment
A Tale of Two Cities
A Farewell to Arms
Pride and Prejudice
Les Miserables
Anna Karenina
Cold Comfort Farm
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Wind in the Willows
Don Quixote (but I'm finishing it this year. I'm totally targeting it.)
The Hobbit
Jane Eyre
David Copperfield
Slaughterhouse Five ♥♥♥♥
Atlas Shrugged
Ender's Game
The Tin Drum
Gone with the Wind
Great Expectations (.. anyone noticed that all the Dickens books never got finished? At least I did try...)
Ulysses (just because I tried reading it in English at sixteen and it was too beyond my capabilities. I'll give it another try soon-ish though.)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Heart of Darkness
Animal Farm ♥♥♥
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay ♥♥♥♥
The Brothers Karamazov ♥
The Grapes of Wrath ♥♥♥
For Whom the Bell Tolls (I read a cut version in school and it turned me off Hemingway even if it isn't the poor guy's fault, so I'm counting it as not finished because it wasn't the real one..)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Good Earth
Oscar and Lucinda

Also uhm maybe last day's entry ended up half-lost also because it was like Sunday, but just in case: whoever was that had volunteered to beta that Jimmy Novak apocalyptic fic like ages ago and whose name I forgot (sorry! I can't remember half of what happened just before I graduated) would be up for doing it now? Or anyone else really? Because I still haven't sent it over as my artist and I agreed on having it betaed before but I'm getting dangerously close to two weeks before the deadline. :( I can't even make you cookies because I suck, but if you need details check the post before this one. :) Thanks in advance?

Also next round I'll have the pictures from that meme as well. Now I'll see to accomplish something other than memes, hopefully.

stuff, meme, beta request, the random post, icons, layout, books

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