Lost 6x14, 'The Candidate' - also, this is not my usual review format..

May 05, 2010 14:44

... because I should watch it again to do it in the usual review format, but right now I can't see myself doing it.

Dearest Darlton, this is a nice little missive for you. )

bold_seer is my lj tag twin, lost season 6 review, rant, everything relates to supernatural

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Comments 19

elliotsmelliot May 5 2010, 13:21:30 UTC
Wordy McWord Word to your entire letter.

I love your hope that Frank is alive. Let's hope!

SERIOUSLY? I MEAN, SERIOUSLY? Fine, Terry O' Quinn is good at what he does, but you can't seriously think that no one had suspected that F!Locke was evil on the inside. Jesus. Really? We had understood that IN THE S5 FINALE.

Or the pilot. Or when he killed Eko. Or when he slapped Claire. Or when he threw Desmond down a while. Oooh, not I get it. He is EVIL!

Also, goddammit, S4 was the Ben show and now that I actually don't dislike him as much he and RICHARD aka someone who should be important DISAPPEAR for five episodes? Along with Miles whom I sorely miss? Jesus, learn to balance stuff.

I said to Mr. E.S. last night that I was bored when it was Ben, Ben, Ben all the time. But fuck, he has more charisma than any other villain. Bring back the Ben show! I'll even take more of Richard's hissy fits. I want to know ho Miles has faired with them! I'm hoping it is them who find Desmond in the well.


janie_tangerine May 5 2010, 15:40:40 UTC
Amen. :(

I hope indeed! Damn, we didn't exactly see him die, right? I mean, he just got drowned by the water, but... I can't remember seeing him faint or something. And they would mention him or put him in the casualties list wandersfound linked down there since he's always a regular. Ah well, I'll totally delude myself until further notice. ;)

Yeah. EXACTLY. Or, practically whenever he DID something. But of course, it takes doing this to make us realize how evil he is! *rolls eyes* I mean, say 'we just wanted to kill a bunch of people at once' and be done with it.

Fuck, he has more charisma than any other villain. Bring back the Ben show! I'll even take more of Richard's hissy fits.

IKR? I'd have never thought I'd miss the Ben show, but right now I want it back so much it isn't even funny. Him, Richard and Miles. It'd be cool if they found Desmond! Well, we'll see I guess. They'd better have cooked up something that makes up for this.


bold_seer May 5 2010, 14:01:13 UTC
Kate gets a little wound, the ones we surely care about more die? Just like that? Be over soon, show. I don't seem to give a damn any longer.

And hey, brain twin/tag twin! May I ask you of a fairly small SPN-related favour?


janie_tangerine May 5 2010, 15:32:43 UTC
THAT, THAT, THAT. After this... damn, I still give a damn, but not half as much as I used to. And Jesus, I'm kind of happy that Boone died when he did back then. At least he still got a decent offing. Seriously.

Sure thing, tag twin! ;) either PM me or send me a mail at janiedean1919@yahoo.it :D


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janie_tangerine May 5 2010, 15:35:18 UTC
Yeah, it wasn't objectively a bad episode, but... NOT THREE OF THEM AT ONCE, FUCK THIS. I hadn't been this angry since Charlie, I think. Even if Charlie had made a lot more sense. Maybe since Daniel. :(((( ;_____________;

AND OMG YES YES YES. Hey, he's still a regular, right? Right? I mean, maybe he's not that major but he's still billed as a regular, so... GOOD NEWS. For me it's good news. I don't want to contemplate the alternative if I can delude myself that he's not dead. :((((


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janie_tangerine May 5 2010, 15:37:27 UTC
IKR? :(((((

AND GOOD. The Frank-is-not-dead boat has to sail, dammit. :// And if he died I WANT THEM TO RECOGNIZE IT, they can't possibly just ignore it. Therefore, Frank is alive until I have further proof and I do-not-accept another option. The other three were already too much.

I DON'T WANT EVERYONE TO DIE DAMMIT. Even though I'm expecting it at this point. :///


polvodestrella May 5 2010, 15:52:42 UTC
Wow, that was intense O_O

I agree about what you say about next episode (and well, with a lot o fthings you said here).. At this point it's just obvious that the end is here, and hell, I'm not sure of how many deaths I can take anymore. It hurts so bad :/

Ever since I saw Cooper in the episode, there's something that I have been wondering: if Sawyer went to Australia to find "Sawyer" (the con-artist, Anthony Cooper), why is Cooper in Los Angeles, being a vegetale? Who did Sawyer found in Australia, then, if it wasn't Cooper?


janie_tangerine May 5 2010, 15:59:47 UTC
It was. And er, oops, I had started it not wanting to go intense... but ha, I just put all my issues in one post. ;)

I don't want to take any more deaths. :((( At this point I'd be glad to watch the Jacob/MIB show for a month if it means no one dies.

... duh. Right. THAT'S a point. I never thought about it. Maaaybe then the Sawyer in the alt is someone else and not Cooper? Augh, continuity, you break my brain. I just wish they told it straight at this point...


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