Lost 6x14, 'The Candidate' - also, this is not my usual review format..

May 05, 2010 14:44

... because I should watch it again to do it in the usual review format, but right now I can't see myself doing it.

Dear Darlton,

thank you so much for offing in one single episode 80% of the people I gave a damn about. I hope for you that next week or whenever it reduces to 60% and we find out that Frank didn't die, if only because while everything suggests that he is toast, you didn't mention him once in the interview with EW which you gave, which I read before running off to class this morning. And since I can't believe he was that unimportant not to deserve a mention, I'm choosing to believe that he isn't dead until I see the body. Anyway. I hope for you that you didn't kill him too, because if you did, as stated, 80% of the people I gave a damn about are gone and in one single episode, which forgive me but doesn't exactly make me all that happy. Right? Right.

Of course, it's not like you did things badly. I mean, I was sure that Sayid would have died way long before S6 if only because he was my second-favorite character and no one I like ever survives, but at this point I feared he was going to die a zombie and at least he died the heroic death he deserved and after telling us that his boyfriend who's hidden I can't remember where made him feel again but still. Was there the need to ever do the whole zombie thing? Did you really need to off him to prove that he was a good guy? You know, death doesn't automatically mean the most awesome outcome.

Anyway. Then I still am all ;______________; over Sayid and THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR KILLING SUN AND JIN AT ONCE, therefore eliminating the only functioning couple that was still around, orphaning their daughter and making me go even more ;_____________________;. I'm not saying it wasn't heartbreaking, and I'm not saying you should have done it differently because hey, at least they died together which felt fitting after they were separated for so long, but THE EPISODE AFTER THE REUNION? Jesus. Way to go and off all the good characters. Also, I'm not re-ranting at you about Frank again because since he was having the dubious luck of being my current favorite character even if he had zilch to do he's the one I should be more pissed about, but I'm choosing to believe he isn't dead. If only because you didn't mention him. And by the way, thanks for giving him a couple of badass moments, at least.

That said, I'll concede you something: thanks for giving us some Jack/Sawyer after two seasons of NOTHING, except that of course I can't enjoy it 100% because I'm headdesking at all the fuckery Sawyer is doing on the submarine. Thanks again for that. By the way, if you want to make Jack Jacob's substitute, KUDOS ON BEING TOTALLY OBVIOUS. I'd really like to see another outcome if only because that one was predictable since we knew about the candidates.

Then, in the EW interview, you go and say that you need to off all those people because you need to make a point that f!Locke is really bad/evil because for the rest of the season he was trying to make us believe the contrary.

SERIOUSLY? I MEAN, SERIOUSLY? Fine, Terry O' Quinn is good at what he does, but you can't seriously think that no one had suspected that F!Locke was evil on the inside. Jesus. Really? We had understood that IN THE S5 FINALE. There was no need. And let me tell you again: F!Locke = the worst mistake you ever made. Period.

Also, I'll give it to you: the alt, this round, was good. I was happy to see Bernard, I was happy to see alt!Jack reconnecting with Claire who is thankfully sane and cute and S1 like (oh, btw: island!Claire = in the top five mistakes you made. She makes me miss Danielle every fucking time she's on screen. And I really used to love Claire. Kudos), the whole Locke thing was interesting even if pheeeew, Jesus, Locke, get smart. Seeing Helen was lovely again too, and btw, thanks for showing Jin with the flowers just after he died in the regular timeline. Still, if you're going where you think I'm going I'll hate you. A lot.

Also, thanks again for NOT GIVING A SINGLE ANSWER. You have three episodes to make up for it. Will you freaking start to explain something? Because if you keep it all for the finale, even if it's two and a half hours, it'll just make it seem rushed.

WHATEVER. The fact that I ranted at you until now means that in the end I care about what goes on on this show, which I guess is your point, but sorry if I don't like where you're going. Not one bit. I want to believe that you know what you're doing, but the problem is that I think I know what you're doing, and since it's the same thing that made me want to kill Stephen King some six years ago... yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll wait until it's over and judge then, but let me tell you again: apart from the Jack/Sawyer which for once was GOOD and the lovely implied Desmond/Sayid, even if you did things right considering what they were doing, this episode completely made me want to smack you in the face. As much as I had wanted when I saw The Variable, aka the one Lost episode I will never re-watch again and which I think started to make me think that you sort of didn't know what the fuck you were doing. Or maybe you do and it's nonsense, but whatever. (By the way: killing Daniel = worst move of the last three seasons after f!Locke. But it's the umpteenth time I say that, so.) Also, goddammit, S4 was the Ben show and now that I actually don't dislike him as much he and RICHARD aka someone who should be important DISAPPEAR for five episodes? Along with Miles whom I sorely miss? Jesus, learn to balance stuff.

Anyway. I'll try not to be negative from now on. Consider this me ranting at you for everything I didn't like this season. I don't trust you to surprise me positively (more, I trust you to go the way I think you're going), but I will be indeed very happy if you manage to do that.

Also, (highlighted in white if someone doesn't watch the promos for next week) I didn't think I'd cheer for an episode without regulars and basically just starring Jacob & used-to-be-Silas, but you know what, I'm fucking glad that it's just that because I'm sure that as soon as we're back to the regular timeline someone else will die and I really would rather do without, so yay Jacob and yay probably Supernatural references.

That was pretty much all. I really, really hope you'll surprise me positively. I really do. I'm not even asking you to make much sense. But whatever, we'll see.

Shaking her fist in disapproval of the killing spree and headdesking,


And, an additional very short note to Eric Kripke which you can skip if you don't watch SPN.

Dear Kripke,

considering that I just realized that I can't take people I like in my shows dying like flies, please don't kill Castiel off. I don't care if next season he doesn't have a storyline. Just don't kill Castiel in the finale. I can't take that after what the show your show is a OTP with did to me.



bold_seer is my lj tag twin, lost season 6 review, rant, everything relates to supernatural

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