the vampire porn 1x13 'Children of the Damned' / SPN 5x13 'The Song Remains The Same'

Feb 05, 2010 15:07

Oh dear. I don't even know. I'm flailing so hard for both, lolol. Okay. Let's, uh, try to be coherent.

the vampire porn becomes so porn it isn't even funny. )

supernatural season 5 review, vampire pornography s1 review

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janie_tangerine February 9 2010, 00:27:23 UTC
Matt Cohen needs to be Michael forever. Period. Even if Dean says yes I won't ever be able to buy it now, lol. Blew away indeed!

At this point it's hard to be surprised if Sam dies, poor guy... then again he wasn't going to stay dead obviously but it DID take out of the scene.

NERDY LITTLE DUDE WITH WINGS <3333333 AWWWW CAS. <333 Damn, I love the guy more with each episode. It's insane. I'm so whipped, dammit. *cough* And yeah, he's so touching in general. *smiiiiishes after you're done*

Trust me to always be a pain in the ass about poor Jimmy. He needs a committee, dammit.

I like Sam/Cas in the 'duh interesting pairing way' but this ep. kind of sold it to me. I doubt it'd get even close to my Dean/Cas adoration but it's still a nice pairing and I'd love to see more of it.

Dean/Cas/Sam is something I could so jump on board with.

True fact: threesomes always solve the problem. Also, ALL that pretty smished together? Sincerely I'm so on board with it. *cough*

I want them to go all awesome trio together too! :( Let's hope that they do that from now on.

SAM ;____________; when he spoke with John I was all wibbling also because damn, I <3 John and as soon as it started I was like OMG NO ;________________;

and now I'm all flaily too, dammit! ;) <3


bigredjunkie February 9 2010, 05:01:38 UTC
It's a shame we can't keep Matt Cohen as Michael, but damnit, I want that. Matt Cohen did such a fantastic job at portraying him. It's made me iffy about seeing someone else be Michael now cause dude, he was Michael. He totally owned the part. And man, I can't help this flailing over him. *flails some more* XD

I'm right there with you being whipped and I so don't mind. Cas is awesome and he just gets more awesome with every episode.

I love that you're a pain in the ass about Jimmy. It's nice to see someone isn't letting it go because seriously, poor Jimmy. And man, it can't be that hard to give us confirmation wheither or not he's a live or dead. I'm sitll sort of hoping for alive, even though it's probably unlikely, but still I want to be postive cause Jimmy was awesome.


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