the vampire porn 1x13 'Children of the Damned' / SPN 5x13 'The Song Remains The Same'

Feb 05, 2010 15:07

Oh dear. I don't even know. I'm flailing so hard for both, lolol. Okay. Let's, uh, try to be coherent.

1. Okay, people, I ship Damon/Alaric/Stefan. DON'T TELL ME IT ISN'T HOTTER THAN WITH KATHERINE.

2. Okay, joking. That said, this shit was really good this round. First thing, the historical bit wasn't as cheesy as last time so I guess I can be satisfied with it. Also, I <333 Damon deserting the Sudists because of his morals lololol go Damon you're awesome. Also Stefan's 19th cent. haircut is made of suck.

DAMON'S 19TH CENTURY CLOTHES AREN'T. *droooools* Also his cut. And augh whatever the fuck His Prettiness was shiiiniiiing. And at least it was good to see the bros cooperating, duh. <333

3. Seriously, people, hire someone who'll explain them a bit of phonetics. Apart from everyone completely mispronouncing Salvatore (it's with the E which is pronounced more or less as and English A, not as the English E), it's GiuseppE, not GiuseppI. Dammit, if they were Italian emigrates they should fucking know, right? And I know I can't have right pronunciation in some American CW show but seriously, HIRE SOMEONE.

4. That said duuuh, Nina Dobrev is good. I mean, Katherine is a total bitch and she does act the two parts pretty nicely.

5. Daaamon, don't lose time with Katherine. I'll be a much nicer person. *cough*

6. Elena's aunt being all like 'Damon is smoking hot' while he's playing Nintendo with the kid = win.

7. ALARIC PLEASE STAY AROUND FOR A WHILE, YOU HOT STUFF. Also did I gather that his wife might actually not be dead?


9. Also, I care about Bonnie. Don't kill her, show. Don't. Hot bartender, I do not approve.

10. POOR BETRAYED DAMOOON. ;___________; Stefan I hated you when you broke his heart all over again. ;____________; (yes, what, I care about emotionally deranged guys. Duh.)

11. PW is def. prettier in the current times part than in the historical ones. That cut, duuuh.

12. The whole grimoire thing was very lol but then again I dooon't watch for plot. Also, it runs in the Gilbert family to like vamps? And at least I get why is it that the Anna girl wasn't in the tomb too.

13. Also, duh, it IS going towards the pornography. Apart from the historical bit which is practically canon triangle and featured some delicious Damon/Stefan UST, the current bit? With Damon getting into the room after they have sex and he's like 'uuuh, nothing I've seen before and YAY FOR OUR KINKY INCESTUOUS THREESOME' I was like see, THAT'S WHY IT'S VAMPIRE PORNOGRAPHY. Duh. Not that I complain. Throw Alaric into the mix and I'll be a happy girl.

14. Overall, this shit is actually becoming good. Whaaat. I still can't believeeee it.

Okay. Now, SPN flailing. I mean, FLAILING. HARD.


2. I'm flailing so hard I can't even. Okay. Duh. Let's start from the boring stuff.

3. Annaaaa ;___; Damn, I liked her alright, but when she was like NO I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH I was like sorry, but NO. I liked that there was canon confirmation of torturing in Heaven Guantanamo and then I was like CAAAS ;__________; because damn, of course. Poor tortured babies. Angels are dicks indeed. Also that conversation with the two of them in the beginning was ;_______________; again. Damn, I hope that the time for Castiel bashing is over? Saying in general, I mean.

4. Now, for Lost people too and if you aren't ignore me AND IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN LOST S5 SKIP BECAUSE IT SPOILS FOR A MAJOR PLOT POINT, but the fact that in the end she got destroyed means that she's like the SPN Daniel Faraday? In the sense, Anna 2.0 goes back in time and dies there but it was always meant to be so that the Anna 1.0 who hasn't fallen yet etc. etc. isn't affected and falls and then goes back in time etc. etc. exactly as Faraday was killed on the island in 1977 and still he went on the island in 2004 because he was supposed to die there? Because otherwise I don't geeet it. JFC time travel is hard.

5. I had realized that Mary and John would have never remembered shit because otherwise it'd have been a mess, but.. HEARTBREAKING MUCH? BECAUSE DAMN, JOHN WILL NEVER REMEMBER SAM TELLING THAT ALL THAT STUFF EVEN IF HE DIDN'T KNOW ANYWAY.

6. That bit positively killed me. Also it was interesting to have Sam talk to John and Dean to Mary but then again it was established I guess. Both those bits killed me, dammit. And it was so good to see a version of John pre-hunting because well, I <33 John a lot even if he's a totally flawed character and this was just so great to see. JOHN WINCHESTER, I LOVED YOU. A lot. Still do. ;___; AND MARY IS SO AWESOME TOO ARGH POOR WOMAN ;__; I died at the Dean telling her about her singing Hey Jude ;__________; damn I'm still a half-crying mess lolol. And Sam being overwhelmed at getting to know her at all ;________;

7. MICHAEL OMG OMG I HADN'T EXPECTED IT AND NOW I WANT MATTHEW COHEN TO BE HIS VESSEL FOREVER BECAUSE OMGOMGOMGOMG HE KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK. Tilting included. And it's good to know that he wouldn't leave Dean a vegetable, but I still dnw possession. I is on team free will too. And do I hope for too much if in the end Dean and Sam get to teach angels something? THEN AGAIN MICHAEL OMG THAT WAS AWESOME.

8. How many times is Sam going to die though? Pffff.

9. Also okay, just to break the serious: Dean. Seriously. REFERENCING DR. QUINN MEDICINE WOMAN? That was my second guilty pleasure after Judging Amy WHEN I WAS TWELVE. SERIOUSLY, DEAN. After Dr. Sexy now DR QUINN MEDICINE WOMAN? I can see the skeletons in your closet Dean. I CAN SEE THEM ALL because they're the same as mine, lololol.

10. That last scene with John and Mary and the angel by the crib positively killed me. Please pick my pieces up and glue me together. Thaaaank you.

11. Uriel being all like 'AWESOME, I'M UP TO SMITING SOME BITCHES EVERYTIME!!' made me laugh so much I felt bad. LOL. I think I might be missing Uriel and his smiting loving asshole self.

12. Okay. Let's talk about serious business.


Little nerdy dude with wings? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY. Oh God he broke my heart. First being all like sorry with Anna (which I appreciated because at least they referenced it) and then when he said that he wasn't going to help her because SAM IS HIS FRIEND AWWWW CAS *SMISHES* and damn when she was like 'is your search going well?' I wanted to hug him. Damn. Please, show, I'm a goddamn atheist who wouldn't believe in angels if one talked to me but please fictionally let him find God. I want him to so bad it isn't even...

Also, the Enochian = SEX. Misha, please, Latin next time? Make me see how well you pronounce it? *bats eyelashes*


AND IN THE END WHEN HE HAD TO GO BACK HIMSELF AND HE WAS LIKE 'OMG I DID IT!' AND WAS SMILING AT SAM BEFORE FAINTING <3333333333333333333 CASTIEL I LOVE YOU. Now if only someone addressed the Jimmy issue, but apart from that... CAS. ;___;

13. Also, er, hopelessfangirl will glee for what I'm about to say, but for this ep? I was shipping Sam/Cas so hard it wasn't even funny. Actually while I did love Dean for the rest of the ep (MARY! ;__; THE SIX DEGREES OF HEAVEN BACON!! XDD) the only thing that I appreciated him for in relation to Cas was that he checked him into the honeymoon suite, which not only is a very good slashing thing not to mention a very nice 3 10 to Yuma reference, but for the rest? Jeez, Sam was a lot nicer to the guy. Apart from actually being concerned and not being the one to push it when Castiel was saying he also could have, uh, died making the time travel trip, Dean. Seriously. No. I mean, in that last bit he sounded a bit like well, whatever too much. Argh, come on, he's your goddamn bff, show a bit more sensibility.

14. That said, the whole threesome touching at the end was delicious.

If no one writes that threesome I might ditch sleeping one of these nights and do it myself. -nod-

15. Also, does the whole team free will in the end mean that FINALLY they upgraded Mr. Comatose and he'll stick around for a while and maybe, I mean, hopefully, they're all going to have fun in three and not in pairs? Because I'd like that. And it'd make stuff a lot more interesting and I like that. Period. (Also damn, if someone doesn't give the poor angel a hug in the next three episodes I'll be disappointed.)

16. Overall: epic episode is epic, and the title just said it anyway. I'm sad that Anna died, if she died, but I can't honestly say that I'm heartbroken. Pity though. I liked her. And Julie McNiven, too. I LOVEDLOVEDLOVED John and Mary to little pieces, Michael was awesome for being an Archangel (which means we went through them all right? I mean, Raphael we saw, Gabriel we saw..) but I still DNW either Sam or Dean to say yes anytime (but I hope they'll teach the angels something), Uriel was a nice return even if I never was his biggest fan, Dean was awesome except for the Cas-related bits above, Sam COMPLETELY BROKE MY HEART ;__; and I <3333 him and Castiel, I love you to seriously indecent degrees. Don't ever change and don't ever die and I'm on team free will all the way. Mm, my poor comatose little nerdy guy with wings. <33 Also, Matthew Cohen can act. Duuh. This round >> In The Beginning, even if I had liked him in there too. Not going into speculation because I've been writing this review for an hour and I'll need to study at some point this afternoon.


Duh. I probably had something more interesting to say but I'm really, too much flailing and too little coherency and that's as much as I'm going to be able to do, lol.

supernatural season 5 review, vampire pornography s1 review

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