the vampire porn 1x13 'Children of the Damned' / SPN 5x13 'The Song Remains The Same'

Feb 05, 2010 15:07

Oh dear. I don't even know. I'm flailing so hard for both, lolol. Okay. Let's, uh, try to be coherent.

the vampire porn becomes so porn it isn't even funny. )

supernatural season 5 review, vampire pornography s1 review

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Comments 12

gottalovev February 5 2010, 15:26:35 UTC
look, I'm still in flailing mode too, so I understand! you manage to tell so much while flaily though. I admire your verbosity! *bows*

wanna know one of the favorite moments of the show, apart from young!john being awesome (w and w/o Michael), woobie!sam, swoony!Cas and the Dean and Mary stuff and the ending that was CREEPY as HELL?

"Not another word or so help me I will turn this car around!" GLEE GLEE FRIGGING GLEE!!! lol!

As for VD... well yes, all of the above. Stephan's antic!hair was HILARIOUSLY BAD. so distracting. And I felt for poor betrayed Damon, awwww! the poor little thing. well you know. evil but cute. I agree that the nina was really good at playing 2 personalities. and yep, more pornographic as it goes *wiggle eyebrows*


janie_tangerine February 6 2010, 10:36:55 UTC
Heee, I'm a verbose person by nature. I can't help it even when I flail. ;)

THAT BIT WHEN HE SAID HE'D HAVE TURNED THE CAR WAS SO AWESOME. BADASS!JOHN FTWWWWW. ;) ;) I loved it so much it wasn't even funny. And yes this whole ep was a bunch of awesome in forty minutes. I loved it so much!!! *GLEES WITH YOU*

The hair was SO BAD for realz. *snorts* I'll take Damon's, thank. And yeah, POOR CUTE EVIL LITTLE THING WHOSE HEART KEEPS ON BEING BROKEN :((( yeah shut up, the evilness isn't a problem with me. And yeah Nina Dobrev was a nice surprise. INDEED MORE PORN! Not that I mind...


bold_seer February 5 2010, 17:02:50 UTC
she's like the SPN Daniel Faraday?

Hey, hey, hey - I'm not quite sure I like this sentence! :/

I wanted to hug him. Damn. Please, show, I'm a goddamn atheist who wouldn't believe in angels if one talked to me but please fictionally let him find God.

As a NOT-atheist, I'm super iffy about them casting someone as God. But I also don't want my fictional angel Dean's not-fictional angel to have his heart broken. :/

poor comatose little nerdy guy with wings

Nicknames are a sign of affection! But Dean, Dean, Dean - I would not want to marry you! Suckiest groom ever, y/y? You don't leave your bride passed out in the honeymoon suite. And why on earth didn't we see him check in? Fail, Show, fail! ;) But A+ for the time(s) he caught fainting!Cas.


janie_tangerine February 6 2010, 10:34:42 UTC
Noooo! I didn't mean it in that way! I meant only in the two-people-which-are-the-same-person time traveling! I didn't mean in any other way. ;) ;)

I mean, if they cast God I'll probably be like 'sure, whatever' in any case, but I get how it'd be iffy in your case. But I really want poor Cas to find God, aw. :((

Suckiest groom ever, y/y? You don't leave your bride passed out in the honeymoon suite. And why on earth didn't we see him check in? Fail, Show, fail! ;)

THIIIS. Damn, you take care of your bride! Even if the bare fact that he checked Cas in the honeymoon suite was awesome enough. And we needed to see him carry his bride in!! Maybe even carrying him/her bridal style too! Okay, I'll stop here.


quantumdoll February 5 2010, 20:22:53 UTC
Ahhh you got me thinking about Daniel Faraday! *swoons* Seriously though, I think after being such an utter bitch Anna deserved to die. She lost any respect from me when she told Uriel the Winchesters killed him. Also I adored Castiel standing up to her, he was official bad-ass in that scene. Guh him calling Sam his friend...threatening to kill her...he is so dedicated to the Winchesters, it's adorable! John!Michael was epic win. I want more of him.


janie_tangerine February 6 2010, 10:31:39 UTC
*swoons with you* And yeah that. I'm sad that they went and made her crazy because apart from Cas she was the only sensible angel and I liked her but especially after that scene with Uriel... no. Really. I mean, considering how things were, GO MIKE, lol. CASTIEL STANDING UP TO ANNA AND BEING ALL LIKE WINCHESTERS ARE MY FRIENDS WAS SO HEARTWARMING AWWWWWWW CAAAAAAS. <333333 I want moar John!Michael too. Maybe in JDM's meatsuit. (Yeah, I can dream.)


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janie_tangerine February 6 2010, 10:29:56 UTC

THAT. THAT. THAT. DAMN, COME ON, HE'S IN TEAM WINCHESTER, THAT SO HARD TO GET? ;_; if I read Cas bashing anywhere again I'll flip. :(( *smishes*

JOHN AND MARYYY. ;________________;

YES YES THAT. Damn he's GOOD. Last time he wasn't as good, lol, but this one especially was awesome. And the what if ep. would be interesting but dnwdnwdnw them as vessels. :( I want free will, dammit.

LOL I wasn't sad either. I mean, he couldn't have stayed dead, but apart from that, seriously? Poor Sam, lol.

URIEL AND HIS SMITING WAYS. I loved that as soon as Anna said smite he was all like YES! WE'RE GOING SMITING!! Pfff. At least someone never changed.

CAS IS THE EPITOME OF PRECIOUUUUSSSSSS. <333333333333333333 ( ... )


sycophantastic February 6 2010, 00:54:44 UTC
Please, show, I'm a goddamn atheist who wouldn't believe in angels if one talked to me but please fictionally let him find God. I want him to so bad it isn't even...

That's me EXACTLY. I may be an atheist, but I want that little nerdy dude with wings to find his dad so bad! And just about everything Cas did in this episode had me squealing or flailing or giggling or cheering or gasping, etc.


janie_tangerine February 6 2010, 10:25:59 UTC
Thiiis. :(( I want Cas to find God so much it isn't even funny. And I'm really hard-core with atheism so it feels weird, but... HE NEEDS TO FIND HIIIM. :( (and then we find out that God is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. *cough*)

And yeah that. CAS. ;___________; just I loved him so much.


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