Fun with the Italian Lost Adaptation volume #2

Nov 10, 2009 10:18

1. Blah. This morning I overslept and missed class. And then when I tried to recharge my phone it wasn't working (and hasn't been for two days). Then I found out it was the charger when I used my mother's. Arrgh, buying a new one is so not what I need. Anyway, at least it's working now. *phew ( Read more... )

stuff, lost, lol, bon jovi, dear janie you just fail sometimes, personal, writing

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Comments 29

valhalla37 November 10 2009, 11:34:50 UTC
Hahaha, thanks for the early morning LOLs! Poorly translated stuff is weirdly hilarious to me; I especially love what they came up with for Because You Left -- sounds like an epic soap opera! ;P

And a big woot to finding the DVDs for so cheap! I think they're going to be about $70 Canadian when they come out here next month (I'm getting the Blurays, though, so it's a bit more expensive); that sounds like a great deal!


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 12:01:42 UTC
Oh, last year was MUCH better. Eggtown was renamed Infamous Business, The Shape Of Things To Come was Changing Of the Rules, Cabin Fever was Feverish Research, Ben warned Locke about rebellions, Locke wanted to leave the island, Daniel lost his diary and in his flashforward Jack lived with an UNUSUAL MALE friend (it declined the adjective as if Kate was a male, lol) and Something Nice Back Home was Unforeseen Operation. Which is like, seriously, WHAT. And I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but it DOES provide LOLs. Not that I'll ever watch the dubbed version. And yeah, Because You Left totally is the most epic soap title ever!!

Yeah I was lucky because they did the discounting thing for like three days, but since I was there I just went and took any possible thing I could find. You never know. It was a good deal indeed!


bold_seer November 10 2009, 18:27:23 UTC
Well, to be fair Cabin Fever would probably be difficult to translate; in most cases you’d lose at least one meaning of the title. (Don’t know if this necessarily is the case with Italian.) But Unforeseen Operation - that’s baaad. And Kate as a man - head, meet desk.


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 18:46:34 UTC
Yeah I can give them Cabin Fever and Eggtown even if I'm half-sure that there is some Italian expression which was more fitting, but seriously. Unforeseen Operation was just terrible. And yeah, Kate was a man and Daniel lost his journal and Ben turned the wheel because Jack told him too. *sigh*


elliotsmelliot November 10 2009, 13:17:48 UTC
He! I guess Kate is still a man because they didn't change her back in this set!

Was Miles at the shootout? I know he saved his dad at one point. At least Hurley stayed behind with Sayid. Maybe he was planning to drive the van into the bomb and save the day.

Congrats on almost finishing your deadline fic!


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 13:53:00 UTC
I guess Kate is still a man because they didn't change her back in this set!

LOL, yes! I concur, it must have been because of that. Poor Kate, not only she gets fandom hate, now Italian adapters made her a champion of transgender rights. ;)

Mm, Miles brought Candle out of the way but if he was there Hurley totally wasn't. If he had driven the van we'd have probably had a lot more fun, I think.

Thanks! I hope to be done asap.


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janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 14:01:12 UTC
LOL yes! It was last year actually, in the summary for Something Nice Back Home they said that in the future Jack lived with an unusual friend, except that the not-specified friend (who was supposed to be Kate) was declined as male and I was like WHAT? XD That was just the best one though. ;)

Thank you!


bold_seer November 10 2009, 18:37:26 UTC
I'm kind of surprised that in Europe we got the Lost dvds before America or so it seems.

Go Europe! ;) Unfortunately, I'm not that excited about getting the Lost DVDs this time; season five wasn’t exactly stellar and I’ve got Jughead and some other eps on my DVR. Besides, I’m planning to re-watch seasons 2 & 3 of SPN in the near future and probably re-watch some-other-show-that's-not-Lost, as well.


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 18:48:21 UTC
To be honest I didn't exactly like S5 either and I wasn't too excited to buy them, but it's still Lost and I'm going to have it all on dvd. ;) Also there was the discount and I was never going to get them as cheap as they were even in a year's time, so I just figured I'd buy them now. And I'm totally not planning on re-watching it since I need to catch up with at least five shows, but still. They're there and I paid them half the price. ;)


zelda_zee November 10 2009, 19:15:26 UTC
Hee! Translations do seem to provide lots of amusement! You'd think they'd be able to find someone who could do a better job!

I seem to recall Miles and Jin at least at the shootout at the end the TI. Though it's not like I'm gonna watch it again - EVER - so I can't be positive.

Sigh. I haven't bough the DVDs since S3.


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 19:31:09 UTC
Oh, they are half of the reason I buy the Italian editions and don't just order them online. They provide for at least ten minutes of good fun... before the obligatory headdesking. Hell, I'd do a better job myself.

Now that I think about that I'm pretty sure that Miles was there but I think that Jin was with Hurley and Sayid. But then again I'm not ever watching it again either if I can help it, so I wouldn't know.

I bought them all but I also just want to have it all and I can't possibly keep five seasons on my HD. And it was cheap so I just went for it, also because no way I was going to pay 50 euros for it.


zelda_zee November 10 2009, 19:35:36 UTC
Idk, I was pretty sure they'd left Sayid alone. (Another reason not to like the ep.) I think I talked about it afterward, how disappointed I was that Jack and Juliet were too caught up in their romantic angst to look after a patient and basically abandoned him to die alone.

I kinda feel like I should have the whole run of the show on DVD, but realistically I don't imagine I'd sit down and watch it again.


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 19:48:44 UTC
I have fuzzy memories. I'm pretty sure that Hurley was there at least and I remember being kind of pissed because Jack was the only one who could have done something about it and left instead, but I've seen that ep. once so I wouldn't know. Still, that ep. sucked throughout.

S5 is the only one I'm not seeing myself re-watching anytime soon. The others I'll probably re-watch sometime (1 especially) but this set I really bought just to have it all.


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