Fun with the Italian Lost Adaptation volume #2

Nov 10, 2009 10:18

1. Blah. This morning I overslept and missed class. And then when I tried to recharge my phone it wasn't working (and hasn't been for two days). Then I found out it was the charger when I used my mother's. Arrgh, buying a new one is so not what I need. Anyway, at least it's working now. *phew*

2. I owe a shitload of comments/replies. Sorry for that, I'll try to get to them asap.

3. That said, I hope to be done with all the deadline fic in five days. *headdesk* It seems like the stuff I'm supposed to write won't work. *kicks self*

4. But, on to funnier things! Last Saturday I found out that my bookshop had a 20% discount on all the cds and dvds, which meant that I got the last Bon Jovi record, an old Nick Cave one, the Boston Greatest Hits and the DVDs for Lost S5 and I paid everything 30 euros less than it should have been in total. \o/ That said, I'm kind of surprised that in Europe we got the Lost dvds before America or so it seems, but if everyone remembers my post last year, this is the volume #2 of the crap whoever adapted it for Italian TV came up with. I'm sorry there are no gems like last year's 'Kate is a man' or 'Locke wants to leave the island', but there's some good stuff too.

So, on disc 1: Because You Left became The Absence And The Emptiness (????), The Lie became The Huge Lie (??), Jughead became The Bomb because people are apparently too stupid to get that it's a name. Then it says that Jack and Ben start searching in order to get the 6 back on the island when destiny calls. BZUH? It seemed to me that it was all Ben's doing. Disc 2: the titles are strangely all correct but I'd like to know what it means that Kate finds a solution on her own when the lawyer who wants to take Aaron from her doesn't say who his client is. Disc 3: 'from Kate's flashback, we understand that she visited THE friend who's also Sawyer's ex': sure, because EVERYONE will remember Cassidy if you phrase it like that. Disc 4: they say that Ben takes revenge on Widmore taking Penny as a target, which totally makes you think that he killed her. Not really. Also, Some Like It Hoth became The Father Who Wasn't There and while I do realize that you can't translate it... really? It's LAME. The Variable became Constants And Variables (????!!) and apparently we find out how it is that the conflict on the island has to do with Desmond. Er, it might be that I hated that episode and I don't have plans of watching it again anytime soon, but I don't remember them explaining a single thing about that? O_O Or maybe I'm wrong. Follow The Leader became The New Leader (why??) and Jughead apparently is The Bomb with capital letters. Disc 5: apart from the honest-to-God terrible grammar when a who that refers to Sawyer and Juliet is places like an entire sentence later, Jacob became a mysterious man (LOL much? Especially since they say who is it in the summary for part II) and Faraday's plan suddenly becomes Jack's plan. Hurley and Miles are in the list of people shooting at the Swan station while if I remember right they were behind with Sayid and Jin and it was only the quadrangle down there and they keep on maintaining that it was Jack's plan. Ah, Daniel, poor baby, everyone forgets you.

Overall, it wasn't as hilariously LOLsome as last year with Faraday losing his journal and Kate changing sex, but still. Do these people a) know English and b) watch it? :// This is when I'm glad I don't watch the Italian adaptation... anyway, for now I haven't seen any extras or stuff, but I probably will soon-ish.

5. Ookay, I should be doing stuff. Like, writing. Or posting a fanmix. Or catching up with comments. So, I'll probably do one of the three while trying to make contact with a friend I was supposed to have lunch with and with whom I couldn't talk until now because of the phone issue. *waves*

stuff, lost, lol, bon jovi, dear janie you just fail sometimes, personal, writing

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