the random post being really random

Jun 01, 2009 13:25

1. Uhm, okay, so, His Prettiness' agent owes me. Big time. Because this crap was even worse than the scepter of Moses. And I mean it. I've rarely seen such a pointless, stupid, plot-ridiculous and completely idiotic movie all my life. It was worth just because of His Prettiness chain-smoking and looking gorgeous and never changing from his suit, but it was crap. How can people rate it 5.6 on IMDB is a mystery. I gave it two just because it's His Prettiness. I don't know shit about this sci-fi channel where this aired and where the scepter of Moses aired too, but it has to be the worst channel in existence, also because fuck, they air movies which are so PG that I want to throw up. Blah. I couldn't wait for it to be over and that's saying it all.

2. On the contrary, Near Dark is fucking awesome. Right, I'm pretty sure I was gifted with it just because Adrian Pasdar is in it, but what a movie. I freaking loved it. Definitely not for all stomachs, but the concept was brilliant, the acting too, Lance Henriksen was pretty much the real thing, young!vampire!Adrian Pasdar was seriously making me a happy camper and I definitely need to see more Kathryn Bigelow movies. I've only seen this one and Strange Days and I need to rectify. Mm, I needed it after point #1's crap.

3. Crap, I have a lot of fic to re-post. I hate to spam but.. ah well. Expect at least two posts this afternoon/evening.

4. Couple of memes because otherwise this entry wouldn't have a point except me bitching about crap movies I watch just because I miss Ian Somerhalder's face. This from isis2015 if you feel so inclined. ;)

Comment with your three favorite fannish things (fanfic, fanmixes, vids, picspams, etc.) that I have done, and tell me why you like them. Then post this in your journal and I will do the same for you.

5. And these because wandersfound said everyone should have done at least the first. ;)

Sometimes it’s okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five favorite fics you’ve written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn’t about the BEST things you’ve written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same. -> whoever wants, do it. ;)

1. Er, uh, this is hard, but... oh, well, it's stuff we love, not stuff which is objectively my best effort, lol. So... erm, probably None But The Brave (Lost, Jack/Boone, Sawyer/Cassidy, Desmond/Sayid and ensemble stuff). Because while it's pretty much the longest thing I ever wrote which wasn't Nanowrimo and it wasn't supposed at all to be that long, and while I'm sure I had plot holes and completely made up stuff and completely wrong stuff which would make the LAPD want to strangle me... well, it has all my favorite pairings, I did somewhat pull the whole thing off as long as it was, I had the space to build it up, it was one of the few times I wrote a real ensemble fic, I had a lot of fun with the recasting and with twisting canon. Also, it's the only time in my writing life where when I arrived at the sexing up part I didn't start pulling my hair out and fretting over how to write the porn but I just let out a breath of relief and was like, finally. I did have to suffer in order to get them in bed, huh. But I'm also pretty satisfied with the characterizations and I just have a thing for it, as monster-sized as it is. And it wasn't even a series.

2. You're Still Standing There (Lost, Desmond/Sayid): right. This is probably not my best attempt at the pairing, BUT: it was my first one and I'll always remember it because of that at least, it was the only time I tried apocalypse fic even if I couldn't bring myself to kill anyone and I'm just fond of it. Also, I was kinda satisfied with the way I built it up.

3. The Everlasting Yes And No (Lost, Jack/Boone): I love it because I think I finally managed to get my point across in 450 words. It never happened after, but I just love how this one came out, both stylistically and in regards of the content.

4. I Ain't Got No Home + I've Been Everywhere (Lost, Sawyer and Jack/Sawyer): well, this is here for a lot of reasons. Which would be: I did the sequel of the first fic for Nanowrimo and I did finish it, I wrote an historical AU which always was my kind of not-so-secret dream, I pulled Jack/Sawyer off, I set it in one of my favorite periods and while it was a bitch to write and even bitchier to revise I'll always be insanely proud of it.

5. Zeppelin Rules (Supernatural, Dean/Castiel): okay, maybe the fact that it's the last I posted means something, but I just had the time of my life writing it. Writing about people's musical taste is my crack and in this one I just went and pushed it all to the limit. And there's sex with Zeppelin in the background. I'm just too satisfied with it for my own good.

1. Which is your favorite fic?
See above.

2. Which is your best-received fic?
A Theory Is Not A Matter Of Fact (Lost, Desmond/Daniel) hands down. Only one who got fifty comments or so and I still don't get why. Also because Faraday = most difficult character EVER, but I guess I did pull that one off, which is absolutely fine by me. ;)

3. Which is your worst-received fic?
Er, I have two that got just one comment. But since the first isn't anything I'm proud of (it was triangle fic and I still think I can't do it) I'll go with the second. And I'm Fractured From The Fall (Lost, Boone), but it was posted when we were all luau burned-out and I really wasn't expecting it to make a smashing impact. Even if I kinda liked how it had turned out, but whatever. ;)

4. Which is your angsty-est fic?
Uh, crap, good question. Maybe Leaving All Of Love's Ashes Behind (Lost, Sawyer/Boone)? Or not. Uhm, no, it was probably In My Time Of Dying (Lost, Boone). Crap, it was Do No Harm from his POV, I can't get angstier.

5. Which is your funniest fic?
Ha. Oh God. You're talking with the one who makes a living out of crack. Er, anything that has Desmond and blue shirt in the tags? O maybe Networking (Lost, Charlie + everyone else).

6. Smuttiest?
And He Left My Heart With Vertigo (Lost, Boone/Charlie). Only time I managed to pull off 3000+ words of smut and I still really like how it came out.

7. Fluffiest?
Either Beatles, Thackeray and the fragile concept of utopia (Lost, Charlie/Desmond) or What A Dream I Had (Lost, Jack/Boone). Not that I think I'm good at fluff, so probably these aren't exactly the best examples. Probably the second would fit better, but the first is the only time I actually wrote spooning.

8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
Uhm, yeah, I think so. Or at least the comments said so. ;) I think someone with the last chapter of I've Been Everywhere I think. And maybe another couple of times but I can't exactly remember right now.

9. Which fic frustrates you the most?
All the ones I can't bring myself to finish, and I have at least ten. But well, I get frustrated every time I write Faraday for how much I love him. Because I do. But I don't get what I write.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?
Come Fly With Me (Lost, Desmond/Sayid and a shitload of other couples and people, total crack setting btw) probably. I had a crack out of it. And well, I totally had it lately with Zeppelin Rules (Dean/Castiel).

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?
Er, I never create prominent OCs. If I ever did they just served a minimal purpose, so IDK.

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?
Oneshot. I can't do series. I try, though.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?
Boone. I guess everyone is better at the ones she loves but he's definitely the one I do best.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?
Er, Castiel (Supernatural) has his share of difficulties because of the freaking angel/Bible lore which on the show is not compliant with the actual angel/Bible lore and considering that I don't know a thing about said lore anyway I only get confused, but Daniel Faraday (Lost) gets the crown. I can't write him without having physics stuff in because I just can't distinguish him from his job and considering that I never could understand physics everytime I write him I lose one hour on Wikipedia reading about crap I don't get and then I write things that I seriously don't know a thing about. Which makes my head hurt more than the actual show does.

6. That was it. I'll be trying to sort out books and making my shelves a tidy place and then I'll re-post fic from one of those two kink memes and from the lostsquee ficlet challenge probably.

meme, pointless blathering probably, the random post, adrian pasdar, writing, stuff, movie recs, ian somerhalder

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