I think I'm kind of passing out. (this is for SPN people. ;) )

May 31, 2009 21:55

Okay. For everyone who followed the Asylum con updates...

Okay. OMFSM.

You know about the girl who paid to touch Misha's hair?

I know her (actually, I've known her for years lol). Actually, she's _izu_. And I knew it was her because she had told me that she was going to ask him to let her touch it and I just knew it was her,but she called me like twenty minutes ago and confirmed it. (Also, it was twenty pounds. Misha is greedy, it seems like.) And she also was the one asking the fangirl question, who actually I had half-translated for her before by text. But then before I could ask her how it actually was (the hair) or if she actually did touch it the line broke down and since England is the third world and Italy is too I couldn't manage to fucking call her yet. Which is BTW making me very upset but whatever, I'll keep on trying.

(Also, she called me this afternoon too and she made me hear something which was DEFINITELY his voice saying hi to someone and I think she recorded him saying hi to both me and her when he was signing autographs. But I didn't hear half of it so I'll wait for her to send it to me hoping that I didn't get it all wrong. BTW, this be the reason I've been half-catatonic this whole afternoon. I mean, crap. I mean, HOLY CRAP. No, I didn't study much in the end.)

I'm kinda still catatonic right now. Especially because I'll probably see her in person in a month. Oh, Christ. I knew it was her as soon as I read it. I just knew. If I manage to call her I'll update here I guess. Oh Christ. I just needed to get this out. LOL. I mean. I sooo knew.

squee, omg, supernatural, oh my flying spaghetti monster, misha collins is too awesome for us

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