completely pointless entry if not for the laughter it's causing me.

Apr 01, 2009 17:12

Okay, as some people around here might remember, I've been plotting an AU WWII Lost epic since... like, last April. I actually have bits and pieces written but nothing longer than 4000 words or so and I'm not even at the beginning of the beginning. And I was actually doing research for something else and what do I find?

There was a ship named USS Read more... )

well this is fun, lost, lol, omg, writing

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Comments 9

emiliglia April 1 2009, 15:29:19 UTC
Color me intrigued - I love WW2. Hence my rapid descent into obsession with Band of Brothers...LOL.

There was a ship named USS Boone County used in WWII!!

Every time I go to the supermarket I see Boone Farms Wine and I laugh a lot. (It's extremely cheap wine that comes in different fruity flavors. Like if you wanted to get drunk quickly and didn't care about the atrocious hangover the next day, that would be the wine.)


janie_tangerine April 1 2009, 15:34:26 UTC
I totally love WWII too. I was completely obsessed when I was in high school and stuff. I've been wanting to write that thing since ages but I think I need another Nanowrimo or two months where I do just that because it'd end up getting very long.

And OMG LOL!! I'd totally get drunk on that wine!! Fruity flavors? Oh God, only a wine named Boone Farms.

(also, while searching for that other stuff I ran into a show where the protagonist is named Boone Sawyer and wants to become a rock n' roll star in Tennessee. Can I have a break from the laughter?)


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine April 1 2009, 15:42:08 UTC
Yes. It's fate. Totally. And I'm still doubling in laughter over that and the link in my previous comment.

God, thanks! I don't know if I'll ever actually write it since I've been planning it for a year and the only result is that I just have the logistic and research done, but I don't have any idea of what happens after they get to Rome. And I think I have some document with the name of the divisions I had them in, too. It'll make me go crazy, I know.


siluria April 1 2009, 16:44:00 UTC
It's fate!!!!! Go write ;)


janie_tangerine April 1 2009, 22:42:15 UTC
I know!!!! Shit, I have some stuff I really need to finish first but I'll eventually arrive to it. Hell, I did start it after all.


inthekeyofd April 1 2009, 17:32:50 UTC
But they had red cross ships, so it can work.

IT'S FATE!!! You have to write this, YOU MUST!


janie_tangerine April 1 2009, 22:44:43 UTC
That's a point too, but I can't have him on that particular one methinks. I'll see if I can work it in. Otherwise I'll just have the rest using it anyway.

And ha, I know. God. Why aren't days made of forty-eight hours?


elliotsmelliot April 1 2009, 19:44:25 UTC
That is hilarious. I like when things happen like that. This is not on the same level, but I shop at a clothing store called Jacob, and they were recently selling I heart Jacob t-shirts. I wanted to buy one for all of us.

Now go put all that Rommel knowledge to good work!

I think Boone Sawyer is the Love Child of Jason Street and Tim Riggins.


janie_tangerine April 1 2009, 22:57:30 UTC
OMG, a shop with the I heart Jacob shirts? That's too awesome!! *cracks up* My best one is still the cameraman wearing the Dharma shirt when I ended up in the Al Pacino crowd last September but yours is priceless too. And God, I need to write that. I need thirty-six hour days.

And oh God you sent my brain into heaven. If those two had a love child and he was named Boone Sawyer there'd be a fandom implosion for too much pretty smashed together.


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