completely pointless entry if not for the laughter it's causing me.

Apr 01, 2009 17:12

Okay, as some people around here might remember, I've been plotting an AU WWII Lost epic since... like, last April. I actually have bits and pieces written but nothing longer than 4000 words or so and I'm not even at the beginning of the beginning. And I was actually doing research for something else and what do I find?

There was a ship named USS Boone County used in WWII!!

Apart from the fact that I didn't know that there were at least twelve Boone counties in the USA, the fun thing is that apart from the ship going in a place in New Jersey first thing, the itinerary it did in WWII is exactly and I mean exactly the itinerary I had pictured for my American contingent (explaining: Des, Sayid, Charlie and someone else were supposed to be in El Alamein with the British army and then when going to Sicily they'd have merged with an American contingent with Jack, Michael and the rest which weren't with the Brits). And then not only it went to Sicily but it also went to Salerno which is actually where my dad's family lives. Then it went to France and I hadn't planned on sending them that far (I still didn't know what I was going to do after a certain point) but still, I'm still completely doubling in laughter over this. Oh God. Maybe it's a sign of destiny urging me to actually get back on writing the damn thing and putting all my newly acquired Rommel knowledge to use even if I need to finish more urgent things first but... oh my. I'm probably too amused for my own good.

(Also, the other fun thing is that Boone was supposed to be with the Red Cross so I don't think I could have him traveling on that ship but still.)

ETA: not to mention, what about a kid named Boone Sawyer from Tennessee who wants to be like Elvis Presley? This is the amusing afternoon.

well this is fun, lost, lol, omg, writing

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