the random post with meme

Jan 30, 2009 22:23

1. If you like My Chemical Romance, I really advice to skip to the next point. I don't care about them and I don't like them either, but what's under the cut wasn't definitely good. This is not nice.

Okay. So, My Chemical Romance covered Bob Dylan's Desolation Row. And I was linked the video and I watched it. And? Well, my dear MCR,

- Desolation Row lasts ten minutes. Not three.

- The fact that you cover it as a punk song doesn't mean it has to last three minutes. That's called butchering.

- The bare fact that you cover it in punk style makes me want to throw up.

- Bob Dylan is WAY out-of-your-league. Also, you don't cover a song which has inspiration by Steinbeck, Eliot and Kerouac in three minutes butchering half of the lyrics and cutting I don't know how much.

- Yes, I am a snob purist when I want to. Good covers that change the original respecting it are absolutely fine with me. Butchering like THIS? No, thank you.

Also, I'm not not okay with it just because it was My Chemical Romance while I'd have been okay with it if it was someone I liked to begin with. I'd have been not okay with it even if it was someone I liked, even if I doubt that someone I liked would have butchered it that way. /end rant

2. Meme, tagged from reckess and pnr!

1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
Is my handle my name? Janie is from a JBJ song, tangerine is my favorite fruit and my favorite Led Zeppelin song.

2. How do you style your hair?
Style? I just let them be or maybe tie them in a ponytail.

3. What did you last *squee* about?
Lost last day? Or some fic I read. Or watching my guilty pleasure song on Youtube right now. NO, WAIT, lasamy GOT THE BRUCE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. What are you currently reading?
Machiavelli, Machiavelli and Machiavelli. The Prince, other stuff, his life, critical stuff and so on.

Well, no, I'm also trying to read The Sound and the Fury. Considering that it took me one week to get through the first part only and the second is even crazier, I'll finish it in a month.

5. Do you need music to study/write?
Yes. If I don't have it I can't do a thing. Especially writing.

6. What is the last song on your play list?
*coughcoughcough* Start a Band by Brad Paisley and Keith Urban *cough* yes my guilty pleasure that I was saying *cough* and I'm also really wanting to fic it *coughcoughcough*.

7. What was your first hair dye job?
I dyed it red four or five years ago, they did a bad job and it stayed for a year and a half. For six months I kind of had violet hair. No, I'm not dying it anymore until it turns white. ;)

8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
On fictional characters.

9. What is your favorite literature genre?
As long as it isn't trash romance, bad writing, Twilight or Jane Austen I'll read everything. By the way, my favorite book is 1984 followed by The Three Musketeers. Draw your conclusions. ;)

10. What was the last thing you ate today?
Glass of water ten minutes ago.

11. What is your favorite color?
Pink. I like black too, but pink. That's as girlish as I get apart from crying at movies, I swear. ;)

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Lj, yahoo because that's where my e-mail is, google and lastfm.

13. What's your favorite drink?
Coffee. I also like tea.

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
I wish I spoke better French and German because I have the rudiments. Re stuff I don't know, Spanish, Japanese and probably Chinese, but I'd be a failure both with accents and ideograms.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Bad literature, racism, jokes about the holocaust, my PM, Axl Rose and rock groups formed by people who aren't legal.

16. Do you have birthmark?
Yes, on my neck. But it's half covered by hair.

17. Who was your childhood idol?
Anne Frank. If you talk about my shameless childhood crush, god, Humphrey Bogart. I think my father thought I was scary in that department.

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
Ha, I'd like the USA but I can't see it in the next future.

19. What is your favorite chocolate from a box of chocolates?
As long as it's dark, I'm fine.

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
You're awesome, you ship the only true lit OTP ever and you love Eddie as he deserves. ;) ;) ♥

3. Dear Bruce, your new record is the awesomeness.

4. Thanks so much to sapphire_child (aw, thanks so much! ♥ ♥ right back at you) and fosfomifira (what a pretty card! And 1) thanks so much ♥ 2) LOL for Mariana!Saywer and 3) definitely hope that the FSM's tentacles inspire TPDB well) whose cards were probably screwed by my postal service since they arrived together a couple of days ago and to siluria for the card (thanks, the mail was indeed brightened!). ♥ to all of you. ;)

5. Random because it has shown up on some fic hearders in some fic communities, thankfully not Lost ones: people, it's canon. Not cannon. CANON. *sigh*

6. That said, I'll be around editing stuff or trying to write something. Aargh, I'm spent. I guess I'll whine until Wednesday when I have that exam out of my way.

stuff, meme, flist, the random post, rant, writing, bob dylan

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