Supernatural 4x13 After School Special

Jan 30, 2009 13:16

Very quick because I should be studying. *sigh*

1. The kid playing Sam is adorable. Indeed. Only kid I've liked on a show in ages.

2. Wouldn't say the same about teen!Dean. He looked way older than he should have even if physically it was a good casting. But he kinda felt a bit off.

3. I was totally cheering for Sam when he got his revenge on the bully, even if then one could see a mile away it was going to take that turn. Ouch. Poor Sam. I guess he'll feel guilty about it for years.

4. Could please someone explain me why did they burn Barry's bones at the beginning? I think I missed something but I didn't catch how they made the link.

5. Sam and the teacher scenes #1 and #2 were such great scenes. Aw, Sam. *squishes*

6. But why the hell wasn't this before last week's? It didn't make sense continuity-wise.

7. Yes, Dean, I am a hero. *shakes head*

8. Dean coaching the kids? MUAHA. Made of win. Even if the best thing was I'm 21 Jump Street. LOL. Oh Dean. Never ever change.

9. I'm sure I have more intelligent things to say but for now that's pretty much it. But I really liked this one. A lot.

I'll make a real entry sooner or later. *sigh*

supernatural season 4 review, supernatural

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