icon meme + erm, why 2/5 of former guns n' roses members must fail me? *sigh*

Oct 25, 2008 22:28

First thing, icon meme from isis2015!

1) Reply to this post and I will pick five of your icons. (stating that you want to play so I know)
2) Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3) Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4) This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

^ That's my FNL ship. From the beginning until the ends of time. Jason -> my favorite character, Tim -> love him nonetheless, that quote -> best thing ever on that show and I had to use that. I'm also quite happy of how it came out. God, I need to catch up with FNL.

Heeee, that's my Michael/Walt icon. And I regret not knowing who made it because I really want to give credit for it, but I needed to use that. I find it just so incredibly amusing, especially since having seen Finding Nemo at least three or four times the joke just makes me crack every time I look at this.

Erm, that's my Kate icon. While I don't really like her, I realized at one point that I needed a Kate icon (especially when I wrote her a couple of times) and this one is just so pretty. I really love the composition, the coloring and how soft it looks. And the text. If I need a Kate icon, I'll choose one I like, right?

Oh, this one. I absolutely like the concept, it's so original, and the composition is great. Also, works good for Boone/Charlie any time I want to write it, since they're both dead and alive in this. And I do have such a soft spot for that pairing, I wish I wrote it more.

Castiel! Well, I'm really digging the character right now, and happens that this icon is sooo pretty. And it has four Castiels on it and that's a major pro on choosing it ;)

Okay, I'll cut this very short, but God. WTF are (sadly former) Guns n' Roses doing? :// Apart from Duff and Slash (and I do hope they find a new singer fast for Velvet Revolver, though I'm really sad it ended how it did. I loved VR. And I still like Scott Weiland btw), God. Okay, Izzy is all good and fine except that the latest record was kinda meh (I mean, take two years but do a proper one with songs with proper lyrics. But I'm digressing), but...

Looks like Chinese Democracy is out! And there's an entire song on I guess the official site, I heard it and it sucks. There isn't a good thing about it. It SUCKS. If the whole record is like that, I'll just wonder what's happened to Axl's song writing if it took him seventeen years to release such crap. And no, I never really liked the guy and never thought he represented GNR and everything (hey, fuck, I listen to GNR because I like the other four, not him) so that doesn't help the thing, but God. I'm so not buying it.

And then today I read my FL and I find out that Steven Adler is on a VH1 program to try to do rehab rightly...? Dear Steve, I really do like you and I always thought you shouldn't have been fired and you had an incredible amount of bad luck, but if you couldn't do it in eighteen years, I doubt you'll make it on a TV program. What a waste.

axl rose is my musical pet peeve, meme, sigh, guns n' roses

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