I'm random. Yay!

Jul 09, 2008 16:55

Okay, so I don't know when I'm ever going to get around to those, but I'm taking icon/stuff requests here. If anyone from here who isn't a member there wants anything, there's a special pass ;)

Studying is going decently. Thankfully I only have to revise stuff that I had already studied during the course. If only it hadn't been a month since looking at it.. God, I can't wait for it to pass.

bachlava, I'm seriously envying you right now by the way. You're in my favorite place in the world! *envies you* I hope you went for Greek, but it's me not being too fond of Egypt in the first place ;)

And I finished Kavalier and Clay sort of two weeks ago and didn't review it, but that'd be the best book I read in a long time. A very long time. And is it bad that I totally was shipping two people there? Also, go me for figuring out a quite fundamental point one hundred pages before I was proved right, lol.

And since I'm random, movie meme stolen from pnr.

1. What movie have you seen the most time in the theater? How many times?

Theater, huh? I rarely see movies two times in the theater. The only one I can remember having seen two times right now is the first POTC.

2. What was the last movie you walked out of in the theater?

Never did. But I wish I had done it at least a couple of times. Especially when seeing a terrible movie with Anne Hathaway where she was a princess or something like that. I was dragged and did it suck.

3. What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?

Uhm. I know that it was Disney's Fantasia, but I can't remember going to see that. I'm afraid it was Woody Allen's Bullets Over Broadway when I was six. My parents brought me and I remember probably two scenes. And didn't understand a heck of it, but that was a given.

4. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hands down. Blade Runner comes close after (omgVangelis!).

5. Have you ever dressed up as a movie character for Halloween? If so, who?

Mmmmh.... no. Never did. Not even during a masquerade.

6. What was the first R-rated movie you ever saw? Were you allowed or did you sneak?

Pfff. The first thing rated for people under 18 years old I watched was Night of the Living Dead when I was twelve and it didn't scare me an inch. The first rated for under 14 years which I guess would be R here was Jim Jarmush's Ghost Dog, but I was with my parents and there wasn't really a thing to rate IMHO.

7. Star Wars (orig. trilogy) or Lord of the Rings?

Mmmmmh. Tie. I always was more into LOTR, but SW has some objectively better points (the first trilogy, beware. The second should be burned or something) and it has Han Solo, which is a big plus.

8. Pacino or DeNiro?

Mmmmmmh. Mmmmmmh. Can't choose. I like more Al's roles I have to say, but then I think at The Deer Hunter and The Godfather II and I just can't choose. Tie.

9. Titanic...did it suck or was it great?

It's a good movie. Completely overrated though. I mean, I like Di Caprio as an actor because he's freaking good, but physically he doesn't do the trick for me, so I never got all the hype. The movie is good, stands for three hours, the directing is excellent and the writing was good, but wouldn't get in my first fifty favorite movies probably.

10. What's your take on Cassavetes?

John? Well, The Killing of a Chinese Bookie has to be one of the most boring movies I've seen my whole life, but I really liked Gloria and I loved his acting in Rosemary's Baby. I'd say I like the guy overall.

11. Favorite John Hughes character?

If you're speaking about the guy who produced Home Alone and Flipper, I HATE THEM ALL.

12. What movie gives you a boner (or makes you tingle)?

Tingle? What does it mean? :/ movies that made me tingle... uuuhm... totally The Apartment probably.

13. What movie always makes you cry like the big puss you are?

War movies in general turn me into a bawling mess. I cried at The Thin Red Line, Saving Private Ryan, even Windtalkers damnit, the two Clint Iwo Jima movies and pretty much every good war movie I saw except for Full Metal Jacket and The Big Red One. But while with war movies the golden prize goes to Paths of Glory, there are two that share the overall first place. The first is John Woo's The Killer. I cried during the whole last half of an hour and I think it's one of the best movies ever, period. It just crushed me. The second is Polanski's The Pianist. There I broke down in tears at the theater in the middle of the movie and kept on for ten minutes. It was embarrassing as hell but I just couldn't stop. Oh, wait. Silver prize to Million Dollar Baby. There I also cried ten minutes in the theater, but at least it was the ending.

14. What's the furthest you've ever gotten in a movie theater? (i.e, second base...)

I always go sitting in the last row of seats, if that's what the question means.

15. Speaking of sports metaphors, what's your favorite sports movie?

Did I ever see one? I couldn't say for shit. I usually hate sports movies. Mh, if Billy Wilder's The Fortune Cookie can be considered a sport movie..

16. (a) Favorite... teen movie?

Teen movie... could Fucking Amal be a teen movie? Because that'd be it.

(b)...Quentin Tarantino movie?

oooh... uhm. Tie between Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill volume 2. I might just prefer the latter a bit because Uma is the girl I'd go lesbian for, but RD is just some of the best things ever.

(c)...Bill Murray movie?

Mh. Broken Flowers.

(d)...romantic comedy?

40/50s comedies! Some Like it Hot!! The Apartment! His Girl Friday! The Seven Year Itch! Bringing Up Baby! Sabrina! Hell, anything that has Billy Wilder or Howard Hawks written on the director's space. Wilder speaking, Avanti! is made of uttermost win. And Irma la Douche too. If we want to speak in less ancient terms, I've got a fondness for that Frankie and Johnnie movie with Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer but that's nothing to compare with the ones I said before. Those are masterpieces -nod-.

(e)...gangster movie?

Mmmmmh. Mmmmh. Godfather part I. -nod- I love part II but Marlon Brando > everyone. But any movie with Humphrey Bogart in regarding gangsters, I'll take.

(f)...horror movie?

A Nightmare on Elm Street! That one's a classic. Though Night of the Living Dead is great, too. The first Halloween is made of win. But scratch it, first place goes to Rosemary's Baby. Phew, I'm glad that I'm not impressionable because I actually love good horrors. Which means that everything after the first nineties is not worth watching IMHO ;) and I need to mention the first Nosferatu. Yeah, the mute German one. Might be ancient, might be mute, but it was scary as hell.

(g)...made for TV movie?

Ha. I don't watch TV, sorry.


Mh. Roman Polanski is my idol probably. My other favorites in a very discarder order are John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Clint Eastwood, Ridley Scott, Howard Hawks, Frank Capra, Akira Kurosawa, Todd Haynes, Robert Altman, Tim Burton, Sergio Leone and Woody Allen. Mention to John Carpenter because he made a couple of movies that I love to pieces.

(i)...drug movie?

Panic in Needle Park. And if you count it as a drug movie, Velvet Goldmine, but I wouldn't.

17. What movie have you seen already but will never, ever, ever watch again?

TROY. I rarely saw a worst movie all of my life. Which brings me to say, The Sweetest Thing. It's a thing with Cameron Diaz I was forced to watch which brought me on the edge of throwing up a couple of times. At least Troy had Eric Bana.

18. What movie are you embarrassed to really like?

Embarrassed? Mh. I can't even say the movies JBJ acted in because I can recognize a sucky one and if I do, I say I watched for the eye candy but it doesn't mean I like it.

19. What movie should be remade asap?

Remakes of good movies should NOT be made. Period.

20. What the F happened to (insert answer)? He used to be so damn funny!

Wouldn't know.

21. For the love of everything that's sacred, please someone stop (insert answer) from making another movie!

I'd say stop Steven Spielberg to do sci-fi movies because he clearly is better at other kind of movies (I loved each of his non sci-fi recent movies, hated the sci-fi ones). If we're talking about actors, please deliver me from Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan & co and from everyone remaking Japanese horrors.

22. What movie do all your friends love but you think is whatevs?

Mh. Critically speaking, I love John Ford something fierce but I never, ever saw the appeal of My Darling Clementine. I love westerns and I love him and I love Henry Fonda but that movie just didn't stick with me. About what my friends love... usually kolossals a là Independence Day and shit, the Harry Potter movies. I do NOT like HP and couldn't care less about it. Except they force it on me.

23. What movie do you love but everyone thinks is whatevs?

I don't know why everyone doesn't like The Terminal. I thought it was a really cute movie and I wanted to squish it. Also, I loved Windtalkers and I didn't read a good review for it.

24. If you could hump/date/marry any movie character, who would it be?

Uhm... movie, huh? Rick Blaine from Casablanca. Shut up. I'm a fucking sap, Casablanca has been my favorite movie for a while and Humphrey Bogart is totally, totally sexy. *sigh*

25. Best...movie....ever?


Period ;)

26. Book you wish would be made into a movie, and who would direct it?

If Tim Burton was to direct an adaptations of the Dark Tower series, I'd die a happy woman. Though my favorite crack dream regarding book adaptations? I want Todd Haynes to direct The Three Musketeers. It might seem weird but I think he would rock it.

Okay, that's it. Oh, and the luau? Is being the best thing EVER. -nod-

stuff, meme, book recs, movies, !icons

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