Feb 09, 2009 02:52
Looking a little farther back (figurativley, of course), Ive realized a few of my mistakes in life. It's like a never ending pattern (History repeats itself my friends!). The same things happen. Never not happening. Never not stopping. Never Never Never. No, I can never say I will never repeat the same never-ending mistakes that I have already made. No. i can't. BUT, I can say that I will try, with all my heart, not to involve myself in situations that leave me caught in the middle of "bad news". News, that unfortunately, is not too good.
We can only really hope for the best.
But eventually, you just get fucking sick of it.
I'm already sick of it.
A waste of fucking time.
Fifty-fifty chance that all the fucking hoping and praying in the fucking world will actually end up doing anything.
Two quarters. Ten Nickles. Five dimes. A thousand let-downs.
You can just "hope" everything fixes itself.
But it won't.
Maybe, we should just all change ourselves. No. Maybe, I should just change me.
Uhh... Why do I always get myself into these stupid ass fucking situations?
Noone else seems to.