Cassie lay on her stomach in the living room, her chin propped up and a textbook in front of her. She twirled a pencil nervously. "Logarithmic density of applied forces.."She and Billy had been living on Earth full time for several months now and Cassie thought that living here with Billy was faar better than living here alone. For some insane
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Sam, Janet, Cassie and Billy are all standing somewhat near the door in room seven. They've been making small talk and basically overall avoiding why they're here
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Cassie steps through the closet in her dorm room. Once again it's empty. It makes sense, really..if Amber wasn't here when they left last time and time freezes then she shouldn't be here when they return. Right?
Cassie pulls Billy down the stairs. "We can't stay up there like hermits forever! Look! There are people here! And we can socialize - if we want to!" She grins and drags him over to the bar.
Cassie and Billy have been doing Cassie and Billy things. Which generally involve alot of cuddling and kisses. But currently they're cooking! Because they approve of the eating thing. And it is time for the food! At least, that's what their stomachs tell them.
And that's what they're doing when there's a knock on the door
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