(no subject)

Sep 25, 2014 00:24

I FLY OUT TO MISSOURI IN LESS THAN TWELVE HOURS. Wow that snuck up on me. It was all, oh, end of the month, a couple weeks, the Thursday after next, and suddenly TOMORROW. How did that happen?

I should be packing but instead I'm doing that do-everything-except-for-what-you-should-be-doing procrastination thing. Like, oh, I can't pack unless I wash _all_ my laundry. Like, every piece of clothing I own has to be clean, even the stuff I'm not putting in my suitcase because I haven't decided yet what _is_ going into my suitcase.

The friend I'm staying with has work on Friday so I may have the day to tool around town or find a museum or park or library to hang out in with my laptop. I have yet to duplicate the sublime experience of writing in the Louvre's statue garden but I have hope ;)

procrastination, travel

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